57. Marry Me Now

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''A baby brother?'' Aegon questioned.

''I think so.'' Avalon agreed and viserys couldnt help but smile.

''Avalon.'' He said softly but she heard.  "A boy?"

''I think so.'' Avalon agreed.

''Oh Avalon that's wonderful.''

'I'm not married yet. People will think the worst of me, i'm their heir and-"

"Marry me now." Viserys begged grabbing her hand. "Avalon I love you so much, marry me!" Viserys declared. "Avalon I should have done this ages ago," Viserys remarked holding her hand in his. "Avalon Rose Targaryen, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and queen?   I will be like aegon the conqueror and take a second wife. I know you love Alicent as well, she will be glad to share me with you but maybe not you with me." Viserys mused. 


"Marry me." Viserys agreed. "Please, it should have been you from the start." Avalon nodded hugging him.

"Yes, yes, yes," Avalon agreed.  ''Oh, Viserys I can tell this one is going to be perfect too.'' Avalon told him.

"I'm sorry I haven't been-"

"You are healing. It's a big adjustment. I told you to take your time." Avalon assured.

"I spoke with Daemon." Viserys remarked and Avalon rolled her eyes. "He got me thinking I haven't kissed you properly in a while."

"Well you will hear no objection from me." Avalon assured she looked down to Aegon playing contently.

Viserys just stared at her still in complete awe of her.

"Don't be shy now," Avalon requested wrapping her arms around his neck. "You can't make a declaration like that and then just leave me here to satisfy myself... I get in trouble if I don't have something to do with my hands." She teased her fingers trilling on the back of his neck.

He opened his mouth to argue, Avalon never got in trouble, but her lips covered any protest that he might have made. It was a tender, exploratory kiss that she could have broken from at any moment. She wasn't going to miss a second of it. He licked the seam of her lips urging her to open further, and the instant that she did a maelstrom of emotion overtook her. She was drowning in the taste of him. Her stomach coiled into knots as her breasts peaked into hardened nubs. She couldn't help sinking her hands into his silky hair. He kissed her like he had all day to study her and she was his favorite subject. He kissed her making up for all the times he didn't. She wanted him to feel what she was feeling.

The out of control wonder that was sweeping through her body as she held him closer. She met his tongue with her own, gently sweeping it into his mouth and then retreating. Her kiss had become addictive. The next kiss was possessive. She clutched his back, her nails scraping into his skin. He walked her back stumbling over Aegon's toys falling onto the bed with a laugh. Her laugh echoed, her eyes closed, mouth open, hands still around him even though he was entirely sure he was squishing her. He rolled off of her and turned to look at her still laughing.

"What did Daemon say to you?" Avalon questioned turning her head to face him.

"That if I didn't kiss you... he would." That only made Avalon laugh more as she rolled into Viserys side he wrapped his arm around him holding her closer. 


Avalon's eyes closed as the doors pushed open. Viserys and Alicent waited for her with the septon. Very Targaryen, taking a second wife. 

Avalon looked like an Goddess, she moved down the aisle with the grace and elegance of a angel as the glided to Viserys. 

"Hen lantoti ānogar (Blood of two)" The septon began. "Va sȳndroti vāedroma (Joined as one)" Their hands were cut, their lips as well, tracing their blood on each others forehead. Bloody palms waiting for unity.

One hand of each of them was tied together binding the blood, then they drank from the goblet staring into each others eyes. Avalon lifted the cup to Viserys lips as his only good hand was bound to hers. 

Alicent didnt know what they were saying, no one did but this was very targaryen, union of blood and a language no one else understood. 

"Mēro perzot gīhoti (Ghostly flame) Elēdroma iārza sīr (And song of shadows) Izulī ampā perzī (Two hearts as embers) Prūmī lanti sēteksi (Forged in fourteen fires)" The septon went on, they couldnt hide their smiles, their outfits pure white on the top, with a golden inlay, bleeding down to an ombre red, the end of her gown the darkest of reds.

"Hen jenȳ māzīlarion (A future promised in glass) Qēlossa ozūndesi (The stars stand witness) Sȳndroro ōñō jēdo (The vow spoken through time) Rȳ kīvia mazvestraksi (Of darkness and light)"

"I now pronounce, King Viserys and Queen Avalon Targaryen... and Alicent Hightower, the king and queens of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora