44. Bitch About It

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" Make haste to Dwarfstone, Ser Addam.' Viserys instructed 'Hand-deliver this to Prince Daemon yourself.' Viserys declared. 

'At once, Your Grace.' He agreed

"What happened?" Avalon questioned. "Is... is Daemon alright?"

''Dwarfstone?' Rhaenyra questioned.

'I'm sending word to Daemon. Aid is sailing to the Stepstones.''

''Did he make call for help? Oh he must be desperate.'' Avalon realized. 

''He would sooner die and you know it love." Viserys corrected. "But his king does not mean to allow that.' Viserys looked to Rhaenyra's pinched face. ''Do you not think my decision correct?''

''It is no consequence to what I think... as I'm often reminded.' Rhaenyra told him calmly.

''Daemon is thorn enough in my flesh. Will you insist on taking after him? Must everything be a battle?''

''If you refer to your attempt to marry me off to Casterly Rock.' Rhaenyra told him stubbornly

''I am sorry, Rhaenyra. I was trying to help you. Will you not be helped? Why must every effort on your behalf be resisted as if to the death?' Viserys asked

'Because you mean to replace me... with Alicent Hightower's son, the boy you always wanted. You have him in hands now. Y-You have no further use for me.' Rhaenyra told him sadly. 'You might as well peddle me for what you can. A mountain stronghold or a fleet of ships.''

"You are not being replaced." Avalon assured. 

"Arent I?" Rhaenyra countered. "A boy, his golden son, even you care more for Aegon than you do me!"

"He is little and needs us, he is vulnerable and you are a grown woman Rhaenyra, you dont need to be fed or changed or rocked to sleep." Avalon tsked. "We are not replacing you, this is what it is like to have a baby!"

"You dont have a baby." Rhaenyra shouted back. Avalon pursed her lips turning quickly and marching out. 

"Rhaenyra." Viserys scowled. 

"It's true. Aegon isnt hers." Rhaenyra sassed. 

"Aegon loves Avalon and Avalon loves him. Why must you torment Avalon? She did nothing wrong and I couldnt have survived these past few years without her." Viserys' voice boomed. 

'You dont love me anyone? Thats why you are doing this?" Rhaenyra pondered softly, her feet twisting on the cold hard ground. 

'Of course I love you." Viserys corrected. "ANd you know as well as I that as rulers we must marry for advantage to forge alliances and bolster our strength. You have always understood this.' Viserys reminded her 'I myself was promised to your mother when I was...'

'ten-and-seven years of age. The Vale had an army to rival the North. I've heard that story since I've had ears to.' Rhaenyra reminded him

'I loved her. She made a man of me. I do not seek to replace you, child. You've been much alone these last few years. Alone and angry.' Viserys agreed 'I will not live forever. I wish to see you contented, happy even.'

'You think a man will do it?'

'A family.' He corrected

'I had a family.' Rhaenyra reminded him. "Alicent stole you and Avalon both! I dont see you trying to get Avalon wed and she is the heir! She should be forced to marry some awful lannister not me!" 

''What would you have me do?!'

'If it was for advantage, you would've wed Laena Velaryon!' Rhaenyra shouted back. 

''That is true enough." Viserys agreed. 

"If you cared about me more you would have named me heir, not avalon!" Rhaenyra shouted and Viserys understood her anger now. 

"Rhaenyra... You must marry." Viserys hissed.  "As to your match... make it yourself.' Viserys told her 'Search him out. Find one that pleases you, as I did. But before you go you will apologize to Avalon. She is your aunt, she doesnt deserve your cruelty.''

Rhaenyra gave a heavy sigh as she knocked on Avalon's door but she wasnt there. Rhaenyra peered in before wandering the halls. 

Avalon was with Alicent, they sat side by side, their thighs touching and Aegon playing before them. He lifted up the parchment he was painting on and ran it to Avalon. 

"Ma, you!" Aegon declared. Avalon smiled down at the picture. 

"Thank you, Aegon." Avalon cooed kissing his cheek, he smiled up at her. He was so precious. 

"He loves you." Alicent whispered. 

"I wish he was mine." Avalon answered without thinking. 

"Me too." Alicent admitted. Avalon tipped her head into Alicent's. "Are you thinking about marriage and children?" Alicent questioned cautiously. 

"Rhaenyra said something and... just... she made me mad." Avalon admitted through a tight breath. "With one sentence she made me feel like... I'm not- like what every other woman thinks. I'm nothing without a husband and yet she is the one fighting a union. As if she has any... anything!" Avalon declared through an exasperated breath, she pulled Aegon into her lap. There was a small knock at the door. 

"Enter." Alicent said annoyed. 

"Um... Avalon?" Rhaenyra questioned. Avalons gaze flickered to the door. "I'm... sorry about earlier."

"Did your father send you?" Avalon questioned knowingly. Rhaenyra shrugged. "Okay." 

"Okay?" Rhaenyra countered. 

"We dont need to discuss it anymore." Avalon agreed. 

"Thanks." Rhaenyra agreed glancing between them before heading back out. 

"You want to bitch about Rhaenyra tonight?" Alicent questioned. 

"Yes." Avalon grit back. 

"I will get the wine." 

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWhere stories live. Discover now