81. Haunted

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"Daemon!" Avalon ran to him when she saw him, he picked her up spinning her around, it was a joyous moment in a sea of unease around them. Laena was dead, Harwin and Lyonel were dead. Daemon was back in westeros.

"I missed you sweet thing." Daemon declared holding tight to his baby sister. "Oh it feels good to have you back." 

"I missed you so much, why did you stay away for so long?" Avalon begged. 

"If we might," Vaemond cut in. "While the sun is setting."

"Oh I'm so sorry." Avalon agreed letting go of Daemon. "Yes of course." Daemon smiled down at her. 

"She burned herself, we arent even buying her." Daemon corrected as Vaemond spoke. "She was ashes on the ground, this ceremony is pointless, just for show and-"

"Closure." Avalon offered. "People need closure to move on."

''We join today at the seat of the sea to commit the lady Laena of house Valeryon to the eternal waters and domination of the Merling king where he will guard her for all her days to come as she sets to see for final voyage the lady Laena leaves to true born daughters on the shore though their mother will not return from her voyage they will all remain bound together in blood salt courses through velaryon blood. Ours runs thick. Ours runs true. And ours must never thin.'' 

"Like the strongs, did their remaining son need closure?" Daemon pondered glancing to Larys. 

"He is a good man, I'm sure he just didnt want to be in that place where they burned." Avalon offered. 

"Harenhal is haunted." Daemon whispered. 

"Says who?" Avalon countered. 

"The ghosts that have died there." Daemon answered.

"You speak to ghosts now?" 

''My gentleness may the winds be as strong as your back you were sees as calm as your spirit and your nets be as full as your heart. From the sea we came. The sea we shall return.'' 

"Dont you?" Daemon countered. "They tell me all the dirty secrets."

"Really? What do they tell you about me?"

"Nothing." Daemon admitted. "Because you are little miss perfect, always have been, Avalon."

The ghosts didnt care to share in her scandals apparently. 


''Have you seen your father?'' Rhaenyra asked coming up to Jace. ''Your little cousins have lost their mother. They could use a kind word.'' Rhaenyra offered glancing to Daemon's daughters.

''I have an equal claim to sympathy.'' Jace countered.


''We should be at Harrenhal, mourning Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin.'' Jace countered.

''It would not be appropriate. The Velaryons are our kin and the Strongs are not.'' Rhaenyra reminded him, Jace scoffed. ''Look at me. Do you understand?''

"My sweet girls you look like you might explode." Avalon remarked as she approached Laena and Daemon's twin girls.

"Father said we are not supposed to cry. It's a weakness." Rhaena whimpered holding back tears.

"Daemon," avalon scoffed kneeling before his girls. "Apparently your father in capable of a having human emotion. You girls are 8, cry if you want. You just lost your mother. Your father was in tears for moons when our mother died, Viserys told me so. So you cry all you want because I'm sure your mother was the most important person in your life and its awful that's gone." Baela and rhaena and shared a look before launching into avalons arms sobbing. Avalon would have to whack daemon upside the head. He wasn't raising little soldiers. Or maybe he thought he was. 

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