20. I Love You, You Idiot

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'Welcome to Dragonstone, Otto.' Daemon said happily

'Your occupation of this island is at an end. You're to relinquish the dragon's egg, disband your army, banish your whοre... and leave Dragonstone by order of His Grace, King Viserys...' Otto told him sternly

'Where is the King? I don't see him.' Daemon mused.

'His Grace would never lower himself to entertain such a mummer's farce.'

'Ser Crispin, wasn't it?'

'Ser Criston Cole, my Prince.' He corrected.

'Ah, yes, apologies. I couldn't recall.' Daemon remarked smugly.

'Perhaps my Prince recalls when I knocked him off his horse.' Cole retorted and Daemon chuckled so this cunt was going to keep bringing that up.

'Very good.'

'This is a truly pathetic show, Daemon.' Otto told him. "Are you so desperate for the King's attention that you've resorted to skulking about like a common cutpurse?"

"I'm simply keeping with the traditions of my house, the same as my brother did for his heir." Daemon said innocently.

"Those traditions are for the trueborn children of royalty, not for bastards fathered on a common whοre." Otto corrected

"Lady Mysaria is to be my wife." Daemon corrected.

"This is an abomination. With every breath you soil your name, your house, and your brother's reign." Otto shouted at him.

"Our love does not know titles and traditions." Daemon told him smugly.

"And what of you, men of the City Watch? Aiding the Prince in his treason?" Otto tsked at them.

"The King made me their commander. They are loyal to me. You've come for the egg." Daemon moved grabbing the egg and held it out. "Here it is." Caraxes growled above them.

"Are you mad? You'd never survive this.'

"Well, happily, neither would you." Daemon retorted with a grin.

"To choose violence, here, is to declare war against your King." Otto warned.

"Wonderful." Daemon agreed. Let there be fucking war.

"Even if it ends in the death of your unborn child and its mother?" Otto countered and Caraxes came closer,  Caraxes screeched and roared. Prepared for a fight, dragons trump... everything.

" All of you... sheathe the fucking steel.' But there was a distant dragon rumbling, they turned to the sky to see wings flapping, they heard Mouse screeching, he roared getting closer.

'What are you doing here, Princess Avalon?'

'Preventing bloodshed.' Avalon said sweetly dismounting Mouse and marching over to Daemon.

"Ser Criston, please escort the Princess Avalon to safety." Otto instructed bitterly.

"Take care not to startle Mouse, I know his name is not threatening, my lords. He's rather protective of me." Avalon warned. "Daemon... what the hell?' Avalon questioned sternly. 

''Sister, sweet, sweet sister.' Daemon said as she walked up to him. "I do miss our talks."

'I repeat. What. The. Hell." Avalon questioned taking threatening steps towards him.

"You are a little thing but Damn Avalon. You can be scary when you want to be." Daemon remarked.

"Daemon. Don't make me ask again." Avalon warned and Daemon smiled that charming smile of his.

"I am to be married." Daemon told her. "Where is my congratulations brother on your engagement?" Daemon mused

'You have a wife to whom you hate already.' Avalon reminded him. Daemon reached forward and touched the necklace around her neck, the valyrain steel he had given her.

'You still wear it.' Daemon remarked.

"I love you, you idiot.' Avalon told him. "Stop with your little pissing match against Viserys.'' Avalon warned as she grabbed the egg.

"Avalon love-'

"Don't make me come back down here. You wont like me angry brother!' Avalon told him as she walked away as regal as a queen.

'I can bring that back to the king.' Otto offered but Avalon kept it tucked under her arm.

"I'm sure you could.' Avalon agreed pulling herself up onto Mouse. "But you wont.'

'Of course.' Otto said through a clenched jaw. 'My princess.' He added, she smirked down at him.

'Don't piss me off again Daemon!' she warned.

"I love you too!' Daemon shouted back to her.


"You announced that we were to be wed? On the morrow. And that I was with child. Your child." Mysaria exclaimed

"Well, perhaps when we are wed, we can make that true." Daemon pondered but Myseria was not pleased.

"I ensured long ago that I would never be threatened by childbirth."

"Good." Daemon agreed. "Children can be such irritating creatures... not my Avalon though, she was always the sweetest thing."

"You swore to protect me, Daemon." Mysaria reminded him.

"Dragonstone is quite secure." Daemon told her.

"Until the King decides to reclaim his ancestral seat." Mysaria countered, her blood boiling.  "His men might not put the Prince's head on a spike, but what would they do with the common whοre he claims he's taken to wife and made with child?"

'No one will harm you.' Daemon said nonchalantly.

"I have been sold as property more times than I care to count, beginning in a homeland I can no longer recall. Most of my years have been spent living in terror." Mysaria told him.

"You're safe with me, I swear it.' Daemon didn't see why she was so worried he was the prince. Avalon loved him and wouldn't see his head on a spike. He would much prefer Avalon in his bed but pissing viserys off was more fun. Watching his little Avalon come to save the day however that was sexy.

"You are Targaryen. You can afford to play your stupid games with the King, but I cannot. I didn't come into your service wanting gold or power or station. I came to you to be liberated." Mysaria reminded him.

"Liberated. From what?" Daemon questioned.


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