53. Swoon

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Undo It / Viserys Targaryen Is out now!

The next fortnight was wedding central. Avalon was in a fitting for a new dress when Rhaenyra came marching in. 

"What do you think- What?" Avalon questioned. 

"I'm getting married.' Rhaenyra whined falling face first into the couch. Avalon stared back at her a moment longer. Rhaenyra's mood and attitude towards Avalon changed at the drop of a hat. But since Viserys scare Rhaenyra had been back to her old self, best of friend with Avalon. 

"You are, its a wonderful thing."

"Why arent you getting married?"

'We got into an argument the last time we had this talk." Avalon warned. 

"Right." Rhaenyra grumbled. 

"It's not going to be so bad, you and Laenor get along, a friendship should be the root of a good marriage." Avalon offered. 

"What would you know about it?" Rhaenyra sassed. 

Drop of a hat. 

"Little of my own experience, I dont have much experience with men in general. I couldnt talk to them at your age, so getting married was never an option for me. But I know that your parents were friends they had a longer engagement of course because Aemma was younger." Avalon found that funny, Viserys always liked a younger woman. 

"Is father going to make as much of a fuss about your wedding?" 

"I hope not. I just want carrot cake, not a big fuss." Avalon corrected. 

"AVALON!" Cregan's little voice declared and she spun to the door. 

"Sorry." Rickard remarked. 

"Oh, Cregan!" Avalon picked him up spinning him around. "You are so tall! And so handsome." Cregan blushed giving her kiss on the cheek. "And a flirt too." Avalon added before moving to Rickard. 

"Do I get a hug to?" Brandon questioned. Brandon Stark was drop dead gorgeous, he got more and more handsome every time she saw him and Rickard knew that look. Knew that love struck look Avalon got. He had been around for her first crushes. 

"Brandon," Avalon pulled back from Rickard and hugged Brandon. Rhaenyra stared back at them, looking Brandon over blatantly. 

"You both remember Rhaenyra?"  Avalon added clearing her throat. 

"Yes, its her wedding we have some down for." Brandon agreed but he didnt take his eyes off Avalon, she felt like his gaze was stripping her slowly. "You look stunning." Brandon's hand grazed over her dress. Avalon's breath hitched. Rickard chuckled elbowing Brandon. 

"She's the princess." Rickard remarked. "You want to court her, you have to jump through hoops you can't just go touching her like that." Brandon smirked taking a step back. "Unless Avalon wants you closer?" Rickard added but Avalon picked up Cregan hoping to hide her blush. 

"I'm glad you three decided to come down." Avalon remarked softly. "Especially you, Cregan," she added kissing his forehead. 

"Starks are here... thats... Brandon?" Viserys questioned. 

"God like man with thick black hair,  muscles on muscles and a dazzling smile that surely makes women from winterfell to dorne swoon... yeah." Alicent agreed dreamily. Viserys gave her a pointed look. 

"You didnt have to say it like that."   Viserys hissed. 

"She is going to pick him, we are going to lose her." Alicent remarked. "Hell I would pick him over you in a heart beat." Viserys cocked his head at her. "No offense." She added quickly remembering who she was talking to. When she was with Avalon and Viserys they were able to joke around, and Alicent felt more free to say as she felt but she might have crossed a line. 

"I have an idea." Viserys suggested. "You marry Brandon and I take Avalon."

"I would like that but I love Avalon." Alicent corrected with a shrug. "We are stuck together for a little while longer at least." 

"Thank you for joining us for supper." Viserys remarked. "I know Avalon was thrilled to see you both." Cregan smiled stabbing his fork into his food. 

"Where is Avalon?" Brandon questioned. 

"I will check on her." Alicent remarked but Rickard waved a hand. 

"Allow me, your grace." Rickard countered. "I used to be her guard after all, I will get her here safely."

"Thank you, Rickard." Viserys agreed. 

Avalon brought a fist to her lips holding back another gag. She vaguely heard the knock on the door before she was barfing again. Rickard peered in not seeing her, he was about to leave when he heard her gag's echoing. 


"I'm... just a moment." She whimpered fisting the chamber pot. 

"Avalon, oh heavens are you sick?" 

"I dont know, it just came on. I hope I didnt give whatever this is to Cregan." Avalon declared before spinning back around. Rickard rubbed her back. "I'm sorry, Rickard."

"Nonsense, you remember when you ate a whole carrot cake, I think it was your ninth name day, your cousin davina and you had a challenge, you were stuffed and then you were sick to your stomach and I held your hair back." Rickard recalled. 

"And Davina's." Avalon recalled. "It didnt taste as delicious coming back up." She admitted. Rickard chuckled  twisting her hair gently keeping it from her face. "Thank you."

"You eat too much carrot cake?" Rickard pondered. 

"I didnt have any today." Avalon corrected. He chuckled but his face turned down when she barfed again, nothing came out, just bile but her stomach was in knots. 

"Why dont I send up some tea and let your brother know you are not feeling well and turning in early?" Rickard suggested. 

"Oh that would be lovely. I'm so sorry. I dont mean to spoil things." 

"Nonsense, we will see you tomorrow and for the wedding..." Rickard assured. "You want to get back to bed?" Avalon nodded. "I will get you some tea, should i send a hand maiden in to help you get out of your dress?"

"Can you just loosen it a bit for me? I can handle the rest." Avalon assured and he carefully and politely very courteously undid her dress just enough for her to shimmy out of it. 

When Alicent and Viserys got in to check on Avalon, the tea had gone cold and Avalon was fast asleep under a mountain of blankets. 

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWhere stories live. Discover now