84. Cannibal

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"Oh my..." Avalon stumbled back a step seeing Cannibal up close.

"This was where I... left... her." Aemond whispered his jaw dropping. "Thats..." Cannibal burped out a hot belch and Avalon feared the worst.

"My Vaera... my Vaera..." Avalon couldnt breathe. Her vaera was gone... eaten. She pulled Aemond behind her and slowly moved them back but then a laugh came from behind them.

"Okay I got all the cookie options, even a dragon cookie but its not made of real dragons, you are going to have to stop eating dragons." Vaera informed Cannibal. "Its just gross. We are civilized creatures- mama!" Vaera declared running to her. "Look we both got- AEMOND!" She shrieked. "YOUR FACE!"

"Where have you been! I have been so worried about you! You just disappeared the both of you!" Avalon held Vaera in a death grip hugging her tightly.

"I was getting cookie for Cannibal, can I rename him? Cannibal is sort of scary." Vaera admitted. "Can I rename him Cookie Monster?" Cannibal snorted out a hot breath as if to object to that name already.

"I dont think so..." Aemond admitted.

"Oh Vaera-"

"Mama i cant breathe!" Vaera countered. "And im spilling cookies!"

"You scared me to death! The both of you!" Avalon demanded "you were supposed to be in bed!"

"Yeah about that..." vaera countered

"Grounded. The both of you..." Avalon corrected.

"I lost an eye!" Aemons objected


"For how long?" Vaera grumbled

"For... for forever!"



"For forever!" Avalon agreed sternly. "Lets go!"

"But my dragon!"

"He will find his way to the capital no doubt." Avalon corrected. "Grounded. Literally!"


''A perversion of justice. The young prince... defiled. An outrage." Larys remarked limping up to Alicent

''Indeed.'' Alicent agreed softly

''If it's an eye you want to balance the scales, I am your servant.'' Larys offered. "Queen Avalon need not know if you are worried about what she might think. We both only want whats best for her after all."

''That will not be necessary. But your devotion has not gone unnoticed. These are dangerous times. The day will doubtless come when I require such a friend.'' Alicent told him softly. ''With not only skill but discretion as well.''

''I shall await your call, my Queen.''

"Avalon talk to me."

"I cant fucking believe you Viserys!" Avalon demanded her voice echoing around the ship.


"Aemond lost an eye and there was no punishment!"

"What would you have me do!"

"Anything!" Avalon demanded. "Aemond is my baby boy and you just... turned your cheek. Aemond is my firstborn baby and you just..." tears slipped down her cheeks. Viserys reached out for her but she stormed out of the cabin door.

"Aval-" viserys felt like he lost her and it was all his fault. She was right.

"Avalon-" alicent reached out for her but avalon just wanted to be alone.

"Give her time." Criston suggested. Alicent sighed wanting to comfort her but avalon needed to be alone.

"Thought you might need this." Larys held out a bottle of amber liquid.

"Thanks." Avalon took a long sip.

"I will leave you be, my queen." Larys added gently.

"What would you have done?" Larys hesitated turning back to her. "What would you have done in that moment? If he was your son?"

"I might not be the best person to ask." Larys countered. Avalon stared up at him Waiting however. Larys sat beside her and a heavy breath left her lungs. "If I was ever lucky enough to have a wife and children i go to extremes to protect them."

"Rhaenyra included?" Avalon whispered

"She is to far gone. She is a woman grown. Your children still need you and a father that will stand up for them. That will burn the world for them if they asked." Larys corrected honestly. He didnt know when his hand reached out for Avalons but she gave his hand a squeeze.

"That is the right answer... a dark answer but the right answer." Avalon admitted "You are going to make some woman very happy."

"I hope so. Get some rest my queen everything changes when we get home."

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