Chapter 33

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Last night

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Last night

"Dinner was nice," my mom made a short comment. She's been giving me the silent treatment since Jane and I broke up plus she has some sort of resentment against Lily. I'm not sure if she's just being protective over me or upset with me.

"Yeah, it was," I answer back keeping it short. The car fell silent, not even the radio was on. I just looked down at my hands awkwardly not knowing what to do.

I finally decide to break the silence, "Mom, are you upset with me or something?" I turn to her.

She keeps her attention glued to the road, "No, why would you say that?"

My eyebrows furrow, "Are you sure? Because it seems like you are. You've been short and snappy especially tonight in front of Lily's family,"

"I'm not upset with you Mijo, just disappointed," She sighed at the end.

"Why? What did I do?" I sit up from slouching in my seat. She didn't answer she just stayed silent.

"Mom, what's this about? Come on tell me, I'm sorry if I screwed up," I give a weak apology to see if she'd budge.

"I'm not the one you owe an apology to," She snaps back at me.

Then it finally clicked. Jane.

"You talking about Jane?" I ask her.

"Yes, who else?" She sasses me.

"Mom, I don't owe her an apology. If anything I think I deserve it," I spat out getting pissed off.

"Estas loco?" She glances at me for a second before looking at the road again, "That girl came over and tried to apologize to you but instead you flipped out on her!" She defends Jane.

"Mom, how did you expect me to react? Wouldn't you have flipped out if your significant other went on a date with someone you hate for money?"

"I would but this is under a different circumstance. She lives alone away from her abusive father trying to survive and you couldn't understand? What would you have done if you were in her shoes?"

"If she was a good person she wouldn't have done it or at least she should have told me!" My voice rose.

"En Serio? Jane is one of the kindest people I've ever met. How dare you question her good character because of one mistake? When Lily certainly made plenty against you!"

"So you're mad at me because of my lack of judgment in people?" I throw my hands up.

"I'm upset with you because you let go of someone who made you truly happy," She trails at the end, "Plus, I think if you gave Lily a second chance then don't you think she deserves one too?"

I look down at my hands, I hate that she was right. I curl my fists up into balls.

"If we're talking about second chances here, don't you think Dad deserves one too?"

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