Chapter 23

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After the whole incident at church, Stacey saw and heard the whole thing

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After the whole incident at church, Stacey saw and heard the whole thing. Cesar dropped off his mom at his house before driving me home. I gave Stacey her dress back and grabbed my things before saying goodbye.

I sat in the front seat of the mustang with my hair into a low bun and looking out. Tears slowly skid across my face as the wind blew at me. I hated this. The feeling of being broken or terrified. I hadn't seen my father since the night I left. I shook his fiancé's hand for Christ's sake. I wanted to vomit the moment I saw him but at the same I couldn't breathe.

The car came to stop and I looked up to see the ceramic studio instead of my house. I wipe my face quickly from the left over tears. "What are we doing here?" I look up to Cesar who was ready to open my door.

"Come inside," He insisted. I just nod and step out the car as he opened the door for me. Once we got inside, he locked the doors, and handed me an apron.

"Why are we here?" I ask again as I place the apron on.

"I thought you needed to get your mind off of things. I know you love doing this. Plus we haven't had a lesson in a while," He gave me a soft smile. I didn't put up a fight, I just complied. Cesar got the tools and materials we needed. He sat across from me.

Cesar showed me how to make a cup and just as always his came out perfect. Mine on the other hand looked like a lumpy potato. I started fresh and started the wheel again.

"Jans, I need to talk to you about something,"He said interrupting my concentration.

I slow my wheel down a bit but continue to work, "Okay, what about?"

"It's about what happened at church today," He said and I sigh deeply closing my eyes.

"Which part?"

"About your dad." My stomach tied in knots.

"What about him?" I kept pressing and wanting him to just tell me already.

"Well, while you were talking to my mom's church friends. I spotted him across from us but he wasn't alone. He was talking to the guy who gave you a ride home when it was raining,"

I stopped my wheel and looked up at him.

"Jake?" I question.

"Yeah, whatever his name is," He huffed out.

"How long did they talk?"

"I'm not sure, but they were looking at us. It looked like they let it short before he walked over to you," He messes with clay on the wheel that hasn't been spun yet.

"Do you think they know or work together?" I ask a bit worried.

"It could be a possibility or it could be nothing. It was church, people talk to each other all the time," He suggested. I look down at my wheel and feel sick to my stomach.

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