Chapter 30

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I sat in Dr

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I sat in Dr. Coleman's office, the air was always cold and her office smelled of lavender which I personally hated. I observed her office as I waited, she had a couple of family photos on her desk, some dessert plants, and a candle or two. As I scanned the family photos, something caught my eye in one of them. I stood up and looked over at the door making sure she wasn't going to come in since I could still hear her talking to someone. I walk over to one of the walls and see a big family photo like all together it was at least fifty or more. As I scan the photo with my eyes I look at the fourth row to the right and squint. No f*cking way. I immediately recognized her blonde hair and blue eyes with her evil smile. It was Lily and just a few rows up was Dr. Coleman. You've got to be kidding me.

There's no way. It can't be.

I hear footsteps approaching and I run back into my seat. The door opens and closes, "Hi, Jane how are you?" Dr. Coleman extends her free hand while the other held a folder and I shake it, "I'm doing just fine," I reply before letting her hand go.

She takes her seat and pushes herself in before opening my case file.

"Are my results back in already?" I ask her as I sit up tall.

"Jane," she pauses and I already know it's bad news, "I don't understand what's going on and I'm trying to figure out why but your body somehow isn't reacting to the chemotherapy anymore," She sighs in frustration. She pulls out my scans, "Your tumor has grown since your last session."

"So now what?" I ask sighing and closing my eyes, "What does this mean?" I open my eyes to meet hers which were already staring back at me.

"It means we have to try the surgery before it's too late," She places the scan down.

"What if it's too late already? You guys already operated on me once and my tumor was smaller than. What makes you think it won't just regrow again?" I say frustrated.

"Jane, I know this is hard but we're running low on opinions. You could risk the surgery hoping for the best or not take it all. It's completely up to you but as of right now, you only have the next six to eight months to live because of how big the tumor is," She truthfully tells me. I blink a couple of times trying to manage this entire conversation.

"Schedule me for the surgery," I rub my face irritated.

"Okay, I'll send the time and date with a list of preparations," She nods closing my folder. I say my goodbyes and thank you to her before walking out. Tears streamed down my face like a waterfall as I walked to my motorcycle. The November breeze hits my face along with my hair. I sit on my bike and sigh deeply trying to calm myself down. My thoughts inside me were killing me. I hated this, the feeling of hopelessness. Six to eight months? I run my hands through the top of my head feeling stressed. What was I going to do?

I wipe my face with my sleeve and place my helmet on before speeding off into the road.

I was helping one of my students with their bowl on the wheel when I noticed someone at the front desk

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I was helping one of my students with their bowl on the wheel when I noticed someone at the front desk. "Excuse me, Lacey, I'll be right back," I excuse myself and she just nods. I walk over to the front desk wiping my hands on my apron. It was a tall man dressed in a suit with sunglasses on. He looked like a character from Men in Black.

"How can I help you?" I ask him.

"Are you Cesar Goodman?" He asked lowering his sunglasses.

"Yes, why?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"This is for you," He reaches for his jacket and takes a big yellow envelope. He hands it to me and I take it. "Who's it from?" I asked glancing at him. He just huffs before walking out of the studio.

I feel the package is to make sure there isn't a bomb or something. It felt like papers so I decided to open the tab. "Mr. Goodman! I need help with my cup," one of my students whined loudly.

"Give me a second please," I holler back. I reach inside and pull the papers out or at least I thought they were papers. The top was a piece of paper that said She isn't who she says she is. I flip the paper over and there was a photo of Jane and Jake together. Not just together but what seemed to be the two on a date. A very fancy one hence Jane's dress. They sat across from each other and Jane was smiling.

My heart sank.

Is this reality? Because this feels like some sh*t that would only happen in movies.

I look down at the photos again. Nope. This is reality.

My jaw clenched.

When did she do this?

Why didn't she tell me?

Anger boiled inside me, jealousy, and rage but mostly I was hurt. This can't be, this has to be some type of joke. I flip the photo over to see the next one and continue to do so. I start to breathe heavily and feel a bit dizzy.

I quickly put the photos and paper back into the yellow envelope. I walk up to George one of my coworkers, "Hey man, I hate to do this you but I'm not feeling too good. I'm going to leave early if that's cool?" I try to sound relaxed and not like I'm about to punch someone.

"Sure, man whatever you need. I'll let Kasey know you left early," He gives me a bro hug.

"Thanks, man," I let go and grab all my things before getting into my car. When I get home I go up to my room and close the door. I take the photos out of my backpack and look at them again. I don't understand why'd she do this.

Why would she hurt me?

I run my hands through my hair pacing back and forth. I tear slipped my cheek making me stop. I reach up to my cheek and touch it looking at the tear. I grab a photo from the ones I received and rip it up. I yell in frustration and before I knew it I punched the wall. I hiss in pain, my punch almost went through the other side of my bathroom wall. I could see a small tear in it.

"Cesar!?" My mom yelled and I could hear her footsteps running up the stairs. She bursts through the door almost tripping. I quickly wipe my tears.

She looks at my face and then glances at the wall.

"Mijo? What's going on? Are you okay?" She gets close to me.

I sniffle staring at my bedroom floor, "Nothing ma, it was an accident. I was upset nothing else,"

She cups my face bringing it up to meet hers, "This isn't nothing, I've never seen you so upset. What happened?" She repeats the same question from earlier.

I sigh deeply, I remove my face from her hands and hand her one of the photos.

Her eyes widened a bit.

"This was a gentleman from the fundraiser," She points at Jake's face.

"Yeah, I know," I mumble.

"So what is Jane doing with him? Why would she be on a date with him? Is that why you were upset when he asked her to dance? How-"

"I don't know Mom!" I yell rubbing my temples feeling a headache coming on not just from her nonstop questioning but from my own thoughts.

"Mijo, I'm sorry," She sighs putting the photo down and sitting on my bed.

"Mom, I didn't mean to yell," I sigh before sitting on my bed next to her, "I've never liked Jake, ever. Jane met him at her old job when she use to bartend. I knew he had the hots for her when I first met him. He couldn't keep his eyes off her. She told me she hated him since we found out he has contact with her dad. But I don't understand why or how she went on a date with him, and why she didn't tell me."

My mom places her hand on top of mine, "I don't think it was intentional Mijo. Jane is one of the nicest people we know,"

"But what if it was?" I glance up at her, "Why would she hurt me?"

"I don't know why but I think you need to talk to her before you make any decisions,"

"I guess," I sigh before my mom brought me into a hug.

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