Chapter 6

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 As I set up the punching bag in position in the garage, I heard a car pull up

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As I set up the punching bag in position in the garage, I heard a car pull up. I walk out and see Cesar in gym clothes. His black long-sleeve shirt gripped his torso exposing all the muscles in his body, black shorts, white socks that were an inch or two above his ankles, and black and white converse.

"You actually showed up!" I gasped and he rolled his eyes.

"Wow, you didn't think I going to?" He smirked walking up to me.

"No, honestly I thought you were a goody two shoes," I say cringely at him.

"Like I haven't heard that one before" He rolls his eyes and I lightly chuckle.

"Come on," I say motioning him to follow me inside.

"We're practicing here?" He asked looking inside my garage.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"No, it just wasn't what I was expecting"

"Which was?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"I don't know a gym" he shrugged.

"Oh" I pressed my lips, "we can-

"No, it's perfect I'm sorry. Can we train please?" He interrupts apologetically and I just nod.

"Okay let's warm up," I say as he walks over with me, "let me see you punch"

He gulped looking at the bag, he hit the bag as hard as he could and quickly retracted his hand away hissing in pain. I chuckle at him lightly, he looks at me making me stare into his green hazel eyes. I look away quickly, I clear my throat, "You have the muscle and power but not the correct form or stance" I go up to him, "Shape your hand like this" showing him my hand.

"Like this?" He shows me, I move his thumb over a bit ignoring his stare.

"Okay, when punching place your feet in a certain position" I tap his feet and show him where to place them.

After showing him the proper stance, his punches were perfect. We took a break, he was breathing heavily "By any chance do you have what I can have?" He asked politely and I laugh, "Yes," I go over to the mini fridge next to my toolbox and throw him a water bottle. He surprisingly catches it. He chugs the water down and lifts the end of his shirt up to wipe his forehead.  My eyes automatically locked onto his torso, I saw some bruising. I look away before he notices.

"So anything interesting happen at school today?" I ask him before opening my water bottle trying to kill the silence.

"Not really,"

I took a sip of my water, "you sure?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" He leans on my toolbox.

" Oh, it's just, you left school so quickly and got here fast. Very unlike of you to ditch"

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