Chapter 19

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I continued to walk in the rain as it poured its cold droplets on me

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I continued to walk in the rain as it poured its cold droplets on me. Using my key to the gate I got in and finally made it to my doorstep. My hand shakes not wanting to go inside but I didn't have a choice. I had nowhere to go. As my heart was beating out of my chest and I close my eyes.  I try to tell myself everything is going to be okay.

I open the front door and close it silently. I heard a bunch of laughter coming from the dining area along with some music. I take off my wet shoes and sweater. I tiptoed to the kitchen wanting a glass of water. As I safely made it there, I grab a glass from the cabinet.

"Jane!" A voice boomed into the room making me jump and almost dropping the cup. My breathing was rapid as I nervously held the cup. I turn around to see my Father and another Judge, Miles.

"Hey Dad," my voice comes out flat.

"I didn't know you were home from school," He said grabbing another alcohol bottle from the cabinet in front of him. He was doing that thing where he pretends to care because he has guests over but I know in reality he doesn't.

"Just got in," I clear my throat looking at the glass I was holding.

"Alright see you later, I have to go this James," My father's grin gleamed drunkenly as he walked out. Miles stood there looking at me. I felt the discomfort and turned away to grab water from the fridge instead.

"How've you been Jane?" Miles asked which made me stop with the fridge open my back to him.

"I've been better," I admit staring at the milk carton in front of me.

"Why don't you come to join us? It'll make you feel a lot better," His voice trailed at the end and I could feel his presence behind me. Fear was all I felt.

"No, thank you," I said politely but in reality, I wanted to say f*ck off.

"Come on it'll be fun," His finger slid along my wet shoulder as his breath hit my cheek. I gulped, "I said no thank you," I repeat but with my teeth gritted. I shrug his finger off and turn around to face him. He brought his face closer to mine as I shut my eyes out of fear. He chuckles before grabbing my wrist, "I said let's go have some fun," he tried to yank me but I fought back. I yanked and yanked my wrist and used my other hand to hit him. It's like all those boxing lessons I was taught disappeared because I sh*t scared. I slap his face which causes him to stop in his tracks. "You little b*tch," He grips my throat with his hand and pushes me against the closer refrigerator.

My head throbs from him slamming my head against the fridge. His tight gripped hard and my eyes get watery. My hands are wrapped around his big one trying to take it off my throat. "I'll make you have fun and maybe later I can take you home," He grins as I gasp for air.

"P-Ple-Please," I gasp and he starts to chuckle.

"Poor little Jane, you-" He stopped talking as he fell on the floor. I was released from his grip and I can finally breathe. I see Oliver behind his body and glass on the floor. I hold my throat as I catch my breath. "Are you okay?" He walked up to me and lifted my chin examining my neck.

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