Chapter 5

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It was Thursday which meant today I was visiting the doctor

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It was Thursday which meant today I was visiting the doctor. I didn't bother going to school. I was waiting for the doctor to call me up. As I was waiting I was reading one of those how to eat healthy magazine they have available. "Jane Marie Clark" the nurse called standing at the door. I got up and followed her in. She took my blood pressure and the usual quick check up things they do.

"Dr. Coleman will be in shortly" She says before leaving me in the empty room. After a good fifteen minutes of waiting she knocks on the door before walking in.

"Hi, Jane how are you?" She said holding her clipboard.

"I'm doing alright"

"Well that's good, so I asked you to come in today to check out your breast area and get scans done"

"More scans? Didn't we just have some?"

"Yes, but I noticed something in your scans that worried me and I just wanted to double-check"

I sigh, "Alright," she asks me to remove my sweater and bra and hands me a paper gown. She steps out for a minute or two to let me change before coming back in. I lay down as she checks my breasts, she had put light pressure on the right one and I wince in pain. "That's new," She says applying more pressure and I groan in pain.

"I'm sorry, Jane," She says to me. I choose to ignore her and focus on the wall. "I'm going to do an ultrasound now, you'll feel something cool in just a minute," She informs me. I felt the cool subtense on my breasts sending goosebumps across my body. 

I was at lunch looking for Jane and realized she wasn't here

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I was at lunch looking for Jane and realized she wasn't here. I sat next to Lily quietly eating my food.

"What's wrong?" She asked stealing a fry from my tray. I smack her hand and she wines like a baby.

"Don't steal my fries and nothing" I grumble grabbing my water bottle.

"Cesar, I know something is up"

"It's nothing, Lil"

"It's because she isn't here is it?" I turn my head towards her, "How do you know she's not here?"

"I have her in my government class"

"I didn't know that"

"Well now you do, she's kind of snob towards Mrs. Henderson for no reason"

"She hates the facility here" I whisper under my breath.

"What did you-

She didn't get to finish as milk was poured over my head. I gasp at the coldness running down my back, I turn around and to no surprise it's Andrew. He's laughing along with his friends. The whole cafeteria started laughing and I look over at Lily, she was astonished. I get up and gather my things to leave when I felt something hit my head. I look down to see an apple, "Where are you going nerd?" Andrew's voice boomed as the room died down. I try to walk away but he and his friends pulled me down to the floor and started kicking me. I tried to defend myself but failed. I heard Lily screaming at them to stop. The bell saved my life as everyone scurried out of the cafeteria. Lily came towards me, "Are you okay?"

"Oh, just peachy" I groaned sarcastically getting up.

"He's such an a*shole!" She scrolls as we walk to the nearest bathroom. I look in the mirror and see no new facial bruising but when I picked up my shirt, I saw show marks and bruises forming around my stomach and ribs. I sigh looking at myself. My phone chimed and I took it out of my pocket. It was a text message from Jane.

'You ready for your first lesson today?'

'Can't wait'

'When are you free?'

I thought for a second, I'm so f*cking tired of Andrew beating my a*s and thinking he's the king.

'I'm free right now'

'Aren't you at school?'

'Yeah, so?'

'That means you have to ditch'

'Okay I will'

'You don't have the balls ;)' she teased

'See you soon and send me the address'

She sends me the address and I walk out of the restroom. "Cesar, where are you going? Class is this way!" Lily says chasing me.

"I'm not going"

"Well, where are you going?"


"You're going to see her huh! Wait do you like her?" She stops me in my tracks standing in front of me.

"No, Lily now will you excuse me," I say walking around her and exiting the school grounds.

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