Chapter 18

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It was now morning, I slept most of the night as Jane sat by my side

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It was now morning, I slept most of the night as Jane sat by my side. Jane and Mom were walking with me to the car. I got into the passenger seat as Jane closed the door, I roll my window down and she crouches down to meet my level. "I'll see you later?" I ask smirking.

"Eh I'm not sure, I'll think about it," She shrugs smiling.

"Aw come on pwease," I pout with my lip sticking out.

She chuckles, "I'll be there after work you big baby," She gives me a quick kiss and waves bye as we pull out of the parking lot.

"So, you and Jane an item now?" My mom asked as she stopped at a traffic light.

"I'm not sure, I think we are. I really like her mom," I turn to her. She just grins at me, "What?" I exclaim because of her weird look.

She faces the road once again as the light turned green, "Nothing, it's just my baby boy finally found a girl who makes him happy. I like her too. She seems, Como se dice..." She trials not being able to find the right word.

"Different?" I finish her sentence. She gasps, "Si!" she chuckles.

She smacks her lips, "I'm surprised Lily didn't come and visit you,"

"Oh," I trial, "Me and her aren't really talking at the moment,"

"Oh, sorry mijo," She says lowly before honking at someone who cut her off. I only chuckle at her cursing in Spanish.

I love my mom, I don't know I'd do without her. She's all I got in my life. She's given me as much guidance as she can in my life. She's so hard-working and supports me in every way.

The moment those two pulled out of the parking lot, I sprinted back inside

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The moment those two pulled out of the parking lot, I sprinted back inside. I barely made it to my chemo session. I sat in the big lofty chair as I read my book to pass the time. I eventually asleep without my knowing because the nurse woke me up. "Hey Hon, your treatment is over" She takes out the IV from my forearm.

"How long was I out?" I ask her.

"About two hours. Make sure to drink your juice. Now will you be okay driving home?" She asked me. I sit up, "Yeah, I'll be okay. Thank you," I get up and grab my things before getting on my motorcycle. I sit on my bike, feeling extremely exhausted. I sigh looking at my watch, I had to be at work. Come on Jane you can do this. I pull out of the parking lot and speed off to work.

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