Chapter 10

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I walk over to the nurse's office and see Jane sitting outside with an ice pack to her face

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I walk over to the nurse's office and see Jane sitting outside with an ice pack to her face. I sit next to her and she gives me a confused look.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"Thought I'd pay you a small visit," I hand her a Snickers bar. Her eyes light up, "these are my favorite, how did you know?"

"You seem like a Snickers girl," I chuckle and she rolls her eyes.

"How's your face?" I ask her lightly removing the ice pack from her face. She lets me, the right side of her face was swollen and her lip was cut open a bit. "I've had worse," she comments.

"Come with me," I say to her and offer my hand to her. She doesn't hesitate as I take her to the front office with Maria. I told Maria what had happened and she used her coffee water method on Jane. I thank her as we sit and wait for the secret medicine to work.

"I didn't know you were fluent in Spanish," She said looking at me with the coffee grains on her face. I take my camera out and snap a quick picture. She's caught off guard and try's to push the camera away.

I laugh, and Maria looks at me telling me to shut up. I nod my head and apologize. "My parents are both Hispanic but my dad taught me," I tell her.

"Your dad isn't around is he?" She looks at me. My face hardens at the thought of him. I felt her hand slightly touch mine.

"How did you know?"

"I didn't see any photos of him at your house. Just of you and your mom. Plus you mentioned he's an a*shole the other night," she shrugs at me.

"Oh," I say firmly, "He left when I was eight more like kicked out but I haven't heard from him since".

"I'm sorry," she whispers to me as our faces somehow got close during the conversation. I slowly move my hand to the opposite side of her noninjured face. She flinched at my touch at first and I drew back immediately. She looks down, "I'm sorry," I say to her.

"It's okay," She said, "how much longer do I have to keep this on my face?" She changes the subject.

"Five more minutes," I read from my imaginary watch. She huffs out, "I just want to go home,"

"Agreed," I slouch in my seat next to hers.

"So, what did Charlie do?" I ask her and she turns to me.

"He was shoving some hide and then took his backpack dumping all things out and he pinched him when the kid did nothing wrong,"

"How did it feel to be cheered for?"

"It was pretty awesome, I can't lie," she chuckles, "But, at the end of the day it's not what I want" she shook her head.

"What do you want?" I ask her. We stare at each other for a few seconds, she looks down "For bullying to stop, I hate how these a*sholes can get away with anything"

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