Chapter 54

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I look over at Seb who is still sleeping, and I smile at him, I love waking up to him in the morning. I get up to use the bathroom and I hear my phone vibrate. I pick it up to see a text from Nick asking if we could watch Luke for the day since something came up and he couldn't bring him along. I hear Seb stir beside me and scooter closer to me, "Good morning" I say and he smiles, opening his eyes. "Good morning" He replies half asleep and I run my fingers through his hair. "Nick was asking if we could watch Luke today" Seb opens his eyes fully and shrugs, "It's the least we could do since he watched Oli last time. Plus, Luke and Oli get along really well" I shoot Nick a quick text saying that he can drop him off anytime today and put my phone on the nightstand. Seb leans up to kiss my lips and I push back into the kiss making him fall back a bit. I lean over him and kiss his neck as he grips my hair but suddenly stops when he hears Oli calling for us. "We'll finish this later" I say getting sweatpants on and a t-shirt.

I open the nursery door to see Oli with his teether in his mouth and his stuffed penguin under his arm. He giggles when he sees me and I pick him up, "Good morning baby boy" I say kissing his cheek, "Good mowning dada!" He says happily and I carry him out of the nursery just as Seb was putting on a t-shirt. "Good morning Oli" Seb says kissing his cheek and Oli giggles trying to wipe the kiss off his cheek. "Luke will be here soon so make sure you're dressed." Seb nods and goes into the bathroom as I carry Oli out. I set him on the ground, and he looks up at me, "Luke is coming over today. His daddy needs to do something so you two will get to play together" Oli nods with a small smile on his face, he still looks a little tired so I'll put him down for a nap later. "Wan bweakfast" He says fidgeting with his fingers and I think about it for a second, "Do you want to go out for breakfast with Luke?" Oli perks up and nods his head eagerly.

I hear a knock at the door as Oli was in his Dino tent and I open up the door, "Hey Nick" Nick smiles at me as he steps inside with Luke attached to his side with a stuffed bunny in his grip. He reminds me a lot of Conner, especially with the stuffed bunny. Luke's bunny looks a little more ragity as he's had it for a long time while Conner's looked newer. "Hey Gabe. It's good to see you" Luke makes grabby hands to be picked up and Nick swiftly picks him up setting him on his hip. "He's having a little bit of a hard time leaving me this morning. He's been clingy recently" I nod my head as Luke hides in his shoulder, "Well we were going to take Oli and Luke out for breakfast" Gabe says and Nick lifts up Luke's chin, "You hear that LuLu? You want to go out for breakfast with Oli?" Luke nods his head shyly and Oli comes running into the room excited to see Luke, "Lukey! Miss chu" Luke blushes and whispers something to his daddy. Nick lets him down and Luke puts his bunny's ear in his mouth.

Nick bends down and gently pulls the ear out of his mouth, "Don't chew on your bunny baby boy. I don't think he'll like that" Nick swings the backpack in front of him and pulls out a paci. I look at him surprised because I remember him mentioning that Luke doesn't really use items like that. Like takes it in his mouth before running off with Oli to his tent. Nick stands back up after setting down the backpack by the front door, "I didn't think Luke used those items" Nick nods his head, "Yeah I didn't think so either but he's been slipping into a younger headspace" I was surprised to hear that. Oli usually stays in the same head space but I'm sure I can handle Luke. "I think he finds them comforting especially with his bunny" Nicks says and I smile looking over to see them playing in his Dino tent.

Nick stays for a while to talk with Seb when he comes out and looks at his watch, "Luke! I have to leave" Luke runs in and gives his daddy a big hug, "Miss chu" He mumbles into his chest and Nick smiles, kissing his head. "I'll miss you too baby boy but I'll be back later today" Luke releases his grip and nods his head. Nick gives him a kiss one more time and heads out the door. "Hey Luke. Are you ready to go to breakfast?" I ask him to try to lift his spirits and he nods his head. Nick told me that he doesn't have any allergies so that's one less thing I have to worry about. I grab Oli's teether putting it into his mouth so he doesn't suck on his fingers. I get my shoes on while I help Oli with his and Luke stands next to Seb by the door. "I excited dada" He tells me which makes me smile, "I'm excited too! I'm excited about a lot of things today" Oli giggles and wiggles his feet when I tie his shoes.

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