Chapter 44

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After the anxiety, questioning, and debates with Gabe and I. We both decided that it was time to take Oli to the dentist. I know it's overdue but I've been worried about how he's going to react and the best way to comfort him in this situation. "He'll be okay. We're going to be there with him so he won't feel alone. I'm sure he's going to bring a toy with him too. Plus, Oli can't say no to the toy store" Gabe tells me to try and reassure me but I'm still very nervous about it. "I know. I know. I'm just nervous about how he's going to react" Gabe nods his head and I sigh. We found a dentist that was recommended by a lot of people and was great with different age groups. "I promise he'll be okay. I'll get his backpack ready while you brush his teeth" I nod my head and force myself to smile so I don't become even more anxious than I already am.

I walk into the living room to see Oli pushing his dinosaur track around the room. "Come here Oli. We gotta brush your teeth" Oli gets up and follows me to the bathroom. I pick him up and set him on the stool in front of the bathroom mirror. I get his toothbrush and toothpaste out before I run it under water. "Say ahh" Oli opens his mouth and I start to brush his teeth before he starts to whine so I stop. "What's wrong baby boy?" He tries to get off the step but I pick him up to set him on the toilet seat. "Nu wike" He says and I nod my head, "I know but this is to keep your teeth healthy so you don't get cavities" I say to try and get him to understand why it's important. I eventually convince him so I put him back on the stool before brushing his teeth making sure I get all of the gross stuff off of his teeth. Once I'm done I tell him to spit and I fill a small cup with water to rinse his mouth. Once he's done, he steps off the stool and I pat his head, "Good boy. Thank you" He giggles showing his newly brushed teeth and I smile.

We walk out of the bathroom just as Gabe is setting down Oli's backpack by the front door ready to go. Oli was already dressed so all we had to do was put on shoes. I bend down to get Oli's shoes on and quickly fold the Velcro over his shoes. There would be no way he would keep his shoelaces tied so thank goodness for Velcro. "Dada say we go toy store!" Oli says and I look at him, he has a big smile on his face and can barely stay still. "Oli I said after the dentist" Gabe chimes in and Oli pouts, "Bu chu pwomise!" He says and I stand up, "Dada did promise but we have to see the dentist first" Oli reluctantly nods his head before we head out to the car. I pick up Oli to set him in his seat and close the door before I get into the passenger seat. Gave smiles at me to reassure me that everything is going to be okay. I smile back and kiss his cheek which gets a giggle from Oli.

We pull into the parking lot and I open up the back door, setting Oli on his feet. We head to the small building with a colorful letter displaying how it was a 'little friendly' dental practice. Gabe opens the door for us and we all step inside to be met with play mats, toys, and other little related stuff to keep them occupied. I leave Oli with Gabe while I go check him in. The lady had a very over-enthusiastic smile as I told her we were here for Oliver and she checks us in letting me know that the wait is going to be around 10 minutes since there was a little issue with a patient. I tell her it's no problem and go to sit back next to Gabe. "Did she say something?" Gabe asks beside me, "Yeah she said it would be a 10-minute wait since there was an incident" He nods his head. Oli isn't really paying attention to what is going on as he is just looking around the room. He tugs on my shirt and I look at him, "Play?" He points towards the pile of toys and I nod my head. He runs off to go play and I smile at him as he organizes the toys.

I check the time and notice it's almost been 10 minutes until we hear a loud shriek followed by crying. Oli immediately gets up and runs back to us, crawling on my lap. "Did the loud cry scare you?" He nods and adjusts his body so his legs are on Gabe while the rest is on my lap. "Wan go" He says upset looking at us with big sad eyes, "I'm sorry Oli but this is important" Oli whines and puts his fingers in his mouth to try and calm himself down. "Hey Oli" I hear Gabe say which makes Oli look up at him, "You're going to be okay. Daddy and I will be there every step of the way so you don't have to worry. You're super-duper brave and I believe in you" Gabe rubs Oli's cheek lovingly and smiles at him. Oli still looks a little unsure about the whole situation but nods his head. I keep him calm by rubbing his head until his name is called.

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