Chapter 48

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It's been a crazy morning, to say the least. Oli woke up a little cranky since he wouldn't go to bed until 10 last night and I let him sleep later than usual. But he's been throwing fits all morning so I dumped out his toy box to try and distract him. He grabbed some toys put them into his shirt and carried the toys into the Dino tent. It's finally the weekend and I'm glad we get to just relax. "Hey" I hear Gabe say as he comes into the kitchen, "Hey" He comes up to me and kisses me on the lips, "You want anything for breakfast?" I ask and Gabe shrugs, "Maybe waffles?" He says with a little smile and I nod my head.

I turn around to start making the batter and get out the waffle maker. "Where's Oli?" Gabe asks and I point at his tent, "Dino tent" Gabe looks over and nods his head, "He hasn't left all morning, has he?" I shake my head and let out a laugh as I pour batter into the waffle maker. "Nope. He woke up a little fussy so I dumped out his toys. Filled his shirt and hasn't left his tent since then" Gabe chuckles, "I see. Hopefully, he'll feel better after he eats some waffles" I shrug. We'll see about that. Oli isn't the one to leave his tent as the dinosaur army is still trying to attack the tent. I pull up the top of the waffle maker and take out the crispy waffle. I grab a couple of plates down along with the butter and syrup. "Can you go get Oli?" I ask Gabe and he gets up from his chair to head over to his Dino tent.

I set the waffles on the table along with the butter and syrup. I look over to see if Gabe got Oli yet but there's still no sign of them. "Nu!" I hear from the living room and I immediately go to the living room to see Oli with a big pout on his face and Gabe rubbing his temples. "What's going on?" I say confused and Gabe looks up at me, "Oli wants to play more and I told him no" I look at Oli who is whining and stomping his foot. "Oli we've been over this a thousand times. You need to eat before you can go back to playing" We both look at Oli but he isn't saying anything. "Now let's go have waffles. You can bring one of your toys" I say which makes Oli crawl back into his tent to grab his Dino toy that makes noise, putting it under his arm. "Good boy. Now go to the table" He giggles and runs to the table setting his toy on the table next to him. I look at Gabe who is looking a little disappointed, "Thank you" He says and I tell him not to worry about it. "I don't mind that he brings toys to the table" I say and Gabe nods, "Me neither. I just don't want to clean his toys of food" He says with a small chuckle and I nod my head. "I know but maybe if we convince him enough, he'll think that cleaning his toys will be a fun activity" I shrug and Gabe scoffs playfully before we head to the table.

Oli convinced me to let him sit in a big boy chair so I pick him up to set him in the seat which he was thrilled about. He was so happy that he told his toy all about it. Breakfast was filled with Oli getting waffles on his clothes and waffle stuck in his dinos mouth. I pick up Gabe and I plate putting them in the sink. I go back to Oli who is fighting Gabe trying to clean his face. "I need to clean your face Oli. You have syrup all over your face" Oli pushes his hands away and I can't help but laugh. He is able to successfully clean his face along with getting the waffle out of Oli's toy. Oli hops off the chair and runs to the living room, crawling back into his tent. "The waffles were delicious" I hear behind me and Gabe wraps his hands around my waist, "I'm glad you liked them" I kiss his lips and he hums, "What should we do today?" I ask him and he lets go of my waist to lean against the counter. "Hmm well, I was thinking about-" We were interrupted when we heard Oli let out a cry.

We both rush to the living room to see Oli crying very harshly in front of one of his toys. We bend down in front of him, "Oli what happened?" Gabe asks him and Oli only cries. I rub his back as he puts his fingers in his mouth and I try to wipe the tears falling down his cheeks. He looks up at me and makes grabby hands so I pick him up, setting him on my lap as I sit crisscross on the floor. I push his hair away from his face, "Bwoken!" He cries out pointing to his toy and I look over at the toy. Gabe picks it up and sees that one of his plastic dinos with one leg broken off. "How did they happen Oli?" I ask him and he sniffles wiping his nose on his arm which makes me cringe. "I pway wif dinos den nu see oder dino on da fwoor so I step" He says between hiccups. I feel my heart hurt for him as he looks so broken down at his toy. "I can try to fix it Oli" Gabe says which makes him perk up and nod his head. Gabe gets up with the toy and Oli follows right behind him which I think is adorable.

I walk in to see Gabe getting the glue out of the kitchen drawer. "Dada" Oli whines and looks up at Gabe, "I know baby. I'm going to try and fix him alright?" Oli nods his head and oversees him as he tries to glue the leg back on. Gabe puts glue on the leg and sticks it to the dino. It seems to stay which makes me surprised but soon falls off. I sigh and lean against the wall trying to figure out what to do. "Nu fix?" I hear Oli say quietly looking between us and I shake my head, "I'm sorry Oli. I don't think so" Oli whimpers, letting new tears fall down his cheeks again. He lets out little sobs and cries looking at his dino toy. "Please don't cry Oli" I say as I pick him back up and bounce him on my hip. "What should we do?" I ask Gabe and he gives me a look. I don't think we have any other choice since we couldn't fix it. "Hey Oli" He looks up at me curiously, "How about we buy you a new one?" Oli sniffles and nods his head. I know it's not going to be the same but hopefully, he can find something good at the toy store.

Gabe guides Oli out of the nursery with him dressed in some clothes other than his pjs looking upset. Gabe shrugs and I nod my head picking up his backpack. We exit the house and I get Oli situated into his car seat so we can start the journey to the toy store. Oli doesn't say much during the drive so the car was silent beside the low volume of the radio in the background.

We arrive at the toy store and I quickly get Oli out before he can start crying again, "Are you excited Oli?" I ask him and he shakes his head. Gabe comes over with his backpack and sighs looking at how sad Oli is. We into the toy store where there were rows and rows of toys he can pick from. Oli takes my hand which makes me smile and we lead him over to the dinosaur section of the store. "Okay, Oli. You can pick out anything you want, okay?" Oli starts looking over the aside taking me along with him which makes me smile. Oli reaches for a dinosaur that looked similar to his old one and giggles when it makes a 'roar' sound. "Do you want that one Oli?" I ask him and he nods his head with a small giggle. He looks like he's finally perking up a bit which I'm happy about. Gabe picks it up from the shelf and we start walking toward the checkout.

We pay for the toy and the whole time Oli is jumping up trying to grab the toy, "Wan toy dada!" He says reaching to the front seat, "Oli I have to get it out of the box first" I tell him and he whines, "Gets him out of his pwison" I chuckle and get the box open hanging him the toy, "Tank chu dada!" I smile at how happy he looks now that he has a new toy. He talks to the new toy all the way home about how he wants to introduce him to his other toys and see his dino tent.

We arrive at the house and Oli is practically bouncing in his seat to be let out. "Out! Out!" Oli shouts as we park in the car in the driveway. "You have to be patient Oli" Oli pulls at the straps of his car seat and I sigh getting out of the car. Gabe opens up Oli's door and he's fiddling with the buckle on the side of the car seat. "Oli" Gabe says sternly which makes Oli squeak letting go of the buckle, "Don't play with that. You could get hurt baby boy" Oli nods his head looking down as Gabe unbuckles him and puts him on his hip. He closes the door and Oli is gripping his toy tightly as we walk to the front door. I unlock the door before we all step inside and Oli perks up when he sees his dino tent. "Down dada pwease" Gabe lets him down and he immediately runs toward his tent. "At least he feels better" I say with a shrug and Gabe nods his head, "He seemed really excited to show off his new toy" I chuckle, "Yeah I felt horrible that he looked so down earlier. I wish we could have fixed it but it is what it is" I say looking at Oli inside his dino tent talking to all of his toys.

He runs out of his tent and comes up to me, "Yes Oli?" I ask looking down at him, "Dino hungwy" He giggles and I ruffle his hair, "Which dino? Your toy or your little dino?" He puts his finger on his chin before his eyes go wide, "Me!" I nod my head, "No problem little one. I'll make you a snack" He says a small thank you as I head into the kitchen. "Dada! Pway wif me pwease" I hear him ask Gabe and I smile as I put together a simple snack so it won't ruin his appetite for dinner. I walk in to see the dino army outside of his tent and Gabe looks like he is trying to protect the baby dinos. "I see the dino army trying to defend the tent" Oli looks up and nods his head affirmatively, "Dada do gweat job" He sticks up his thumb and I laugh, "Well if the dino army can wait, I've got your snack" Oli drops everything and takes the snack from my hand trying to get up on the couch. Gabe picks him up and sets him on the couch, turning on the tv to the dino show. Gabe walks over to me and kisses my forehead. "I was thinking about maybe going to the beach" He says and I raise my brows, "Yeah that sounds like a lot of fun" I smile which makes him chuckle. "Does Oli have a bathing suit or beach toys?" I shake my head. I didn't even think about getting that stuff so we'll need to go to the store to pick up a few things. Oli won't enjoy getting up early to make it to the beach at a reasonable time but I'm sure he'll love the ocean. I can't wait. 

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