Chapter 58

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Austin POV

I had woken up early to get everything cleaned and prepared for all of the littles coming later today. I make sure all of the crib sheets are changed, toys are all cleaned, play mats are washed, and some snacks are prepped for the little ones. I had gotten an email from a man named Sawyer who has two littles named Caleb and Aiden. He didn't say much about the littles personalities or comfort items but he did say that they do have a tendency to be prone to tantrums especially Caleb if things don't go his way. I prepare myself mentally for what I could be getting myself into and I get my coffee prepared before I turn on the tv for some background noise while I clean the rest of the kitchen and playroom down the hall.

While I was putting some stuff away, I heard a small knock at the door so I start heading over. I open the door to see a tall man, maybe 6'0", with light brown hair and two small littles ones by his side. "Come on in" I step to the side and let them in. I notice that one of the boys was clinging onto the older man's shirt tightly while the other one was looking around the house curiously. "I'm Austin. It's nice to meet you in person" I hold out my hand and he chuckles extending his hand, "I'm Sawyer" He says before looking down at his littles, "This is Caleb" He says pointing to the little one who was clutching his shirt and Caleb steps behind Sawyer trying to hide himself. "This is Aiden" He says pointing to the little who perks up when his name was mentioned. I bend down a bit to meet their small stature, "Hey boys. I'm Austin. It's nice to meet you" I say with a smile and Aiden gives me a small wave while Caleb whines and makes grabby hands up at Sawyer, "Dada up" He whispers and he picks him up setting him on his hip, "Sorry about him. He's a little shy but I promise he'll warm up" I shake my head, "Don't worry about it. I completely understand" I say and he smiles at me which makes me blush. I feel my heart starting to beat quickly when he looks at me. He's very attractive.

Caleb put his fingers in his mouth which is a habit I am familiar with. Sawyer pulls his fingers out of his mouth which makes Caleb whine but he quickly pulls out a paci, popping it into his mouth. "Daddy play?" Aiden asks pointing to the play area in the living room filled with toys. "Is that okay?" Sawyer asks me and I nod my head. Aiden runs off to go play with the toys. Assuming by his speech he's in an older headspace than Caleb. "How old are Caleb and Aiden?" I ask Sawyer and when he makes eye contact with me, I swear my heart skips a beat, "Aiden is 4 so he's a little more self-sufficient. Whereas little Caleb is 1 so he'll need more tending too" Sawyer says tickling Caleb's tummy which makes him squeal. I notice his muscles flex when he moves his arm. I wonder if he's single...

I'm broken out of my thoughts when Sawyer adjusts Caleb on his hip and calls Aiden over who comes running over. "I need you boys to be good. No fighting and share your toys, please. And Aiden look out for your brother, yes?" Aiden nods his head, smiling. "Yes daddy" Sawyer sets Caleb down who immediately starts whining making grabby hands up at him again. Sawyer bends down a bit, "Cally I need you to be brave today, yeah? Dada has to go to work and he'll be back as soon as he can" Caleb shakes his head and tears start flowing down his cheeks. "Oh Caleb please don't cry" Sawyer says running his fingers through Caleb's hair and my heart grows at the sight of how cute they are. He grabs a bag and searches for something, sighing when he couldn't find it. "Aiden! Where's your brother's lamb?" Aiden shrugs and goes back to playing. Sawyer bites his lip, "I'll be right back. I think it might be in the car" He tells me and I nod my head.

Caleb immediately starts running towards the door and sobbing, "Hey Caleb it's okay. Your daddy will be right back" I try to reassure him and he looks back at me with his nose scrunched up. I try to hold back my laughter as that will only make the situation worse. I was able to persuade him away from the door so he doesn't hurt when Sawyer comes back in. "Look who I found!" Sawyer announces happily and Caleb gasps, "Buttewcup!" He pulls it to his chest and shoves his face into the fur. "Okay, now I have to leave for real. Caleb was having trouble with breakfast this morning so he didn't get fed but Aiden did" I nod my head mentally remembering what he had said trying not to get distracted, "I really appreciate you taking them" He says grabbing his backpack from the floor, "You're welcome" I say and he chuckles looking down, "Umm I really don't do this but I was wondering if you were single?" He asks me and my eyes go wide out of shock, "Y-yes I am" I stutter before his smile gets bigger. He gets out a sticky note and my heart speeds up from the nervousness I'm feeling. "Here's my number. I'll be back later to pick them up" I nod my head and I feel my face heating up as he leaves the house.

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