Chapter 29

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Hey Everyone! Happy Monday :) I wanted the let you guys know that Chapter 30 might be a little late. Either later that day or the next day. I am having a procedure done that requires anesthesia so I will be kinda out of it the whole day haha Thank you for understanding! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!


The time has finally come for Gabe to see a struggle that I absolutely hate, bedtime tantrums. Oli is sitting on the floor of the living room crying, kicking the floor, and gripping his blanket tightly. I rub my head from the headache I am getting and Gabe comes up to me letting out a sigh, "Now I know how hard it was for you" I look up at him and nod my head, hearing Oli's distressed cries behind me. "He usually calms down by now and it definitely isn't sugar keeping him up and he won't talk to us so I'm not sure what to do" Gabe tries to think about what to do so he goes over to Oli, sitting down in front of him. Oli is rubbing tears away with his fists but still crying, "What's got you so worked up baby boy? I don't like seeing you like this" Oli opens his eyes and pulls his fists away from his eyes, looking at Gabe. "No wanna sweep" Oli says between cries, "And why don't you want to sleep Oli? You'll have your nice comfy crib and all of your comfort items" Oli whines and shakes his head, "I don't think we're understanding what he means" Gabe looks up at me and I shake my head, "I don't think so either" I sit down next to Gabe as Oli hiccups from his constant crying. "What's wrong with going to sleep Oli? Did you lose something? Are you too cold or too hot?" Oli shakes his head again and pouts, "Dada" He says quietly as he begins to cry again. Gabe and I both look at each other confused before I ask again, "Dada is right here Oli" I rub his cheek and he starts to suck on my fingers, "Go sweep mean dada gone" He says behind my fingers and I look at him with a sad expression

Gabe looks at me a little confused but sad, "He says that when he goes to sleep that is when you leave. He misses you" Gabe looks back at Oli as Oli nods his head, letting out little sniffles. "Baby boy" Oli looks at Gabe and takes my fingers out of his mouth, wiping his snot on his arm. "You know I'm not going anywhere. You don't ever have to worry about that. I know that you don't see me as often as you would like but whatever you need me to do to make this easier for you, I can do it. Okay?" Oli nods his head and I look at how distressed Oli is. I know Gabe and I have only been seeing each other for 6 months but seeing Oli so distressed made me realize how Gabe has become a huge part of our lives. I want to bring up the topic of moving in but I can't let Oli's emotions affect if I am ready or not. "I don't feel comfortable leaving Oli alone after this. I think I should just sleep here tonight and he can sleep with us" Gabe tells me and I instantly agree with him. Oli makes grabby hands to be picked up and I pick him up.

I grab a tissue, wiping his nose and fingers from the drool. I ask Gabe to get me a pair of pjs and a new diaper which he does for me, taking Oli to our bedroom. Gabe comes back in with some dinosaur pjs and a dry diaper. I strip Oli of his clothes before laying him down on the bed, untapping his wet diaper. "Daddy" He whines and kicks his feet a little, "It'll only take a second Oli. I promise" I slide the dry diaper underneath him and carefully tape it up before setting him on his feet. Gabe slides the pj bottoms up his feet and the shirt over his head. Gabe strips off his shirt, putting on sweats, and lays in bed with Oli who is still wide awake. I tell Gabe that I will be right back and I heard towards the kitchen. I get out one of his bottles that I never used, since he seemed to like sippy cups a lot more, and I pour some milk into the bottle putting it in the microwave to get it like warm. I shake it up before going back to the bedroom. I see Oli cuddled up next to Gabe with his blanket in his grip. "Hey Oli. I have something for you" Oli looks at the bottle curiously and I sit next to him. "Open" Oli opens his mouth and I put the nipple in his mouth, he happily starts sucking as I hold the bottle in place. "We might have to start giving him bottles at bedtime to calm him down since he seems to like it" I nod my head as Gabe speaks and I smile at Oli who is happily kicking his feet. "He seemed to like his sippy cups more so I didn't think he would like bottles but now I know" I see Gabe lean back against the pillows and take a deep breath. Oli finishes his milk and I put the bottle on the side table, as Oli is rubbing his eyes. "Lay down Oli. It's way past your bedtime" Oli lays against Gabe's side, falling asleep fairly quickly as I lay back as well.

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