2023 Halloween Special

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Today was Halloween and Austin invited us along with some of our other friends to a Halloween party. He was very excited about hosting since he loves Halloween and of course seeing everyone together was a big deal. Oli decided he wanted to be a dinosaur this year as his obsession with dinosaurs had become even more extreme. We got his costume a week ago and Oli was very excited to pick it out himself. He was bouncing up and down all week getting even more excited to wear it. "Dada hewp!" I hear Oli yell from the other room and I make my way to his room. I see him struggling to get the zipper up from the back so I go around him and zip it up for him. "You look so cute" I say looking at him in the mirror, "Nu dada. Cute fow babies. I scawy" Oli says and I try to hold back my laughter. "Oh, I see. A scary dino!" I say and he giggles nodding his head.

Normally I don't dress up but I thought it would be nice to do a couple's costume. I think other people will be dressed up and you don't want to feel awkward not being dressed up. It's hard finding costumes for same-sex couples but Seb is a little bit of a geek so he suggested Batman and Robin. I agreed only because I could be Batman and he was Robin. I go to get the costume from the closet and head into the bedroom to get changed. Seb was already dressed and ready to go so he was helping Oli with the rest of his costume as well as getting his bag ready. I put my costume on and walked into Oli's room where he was running around in circles with his dino toy in his hands. Seb looks up at me and smiles, "You look great!" He says happily and I blush, "Thank you. You look good too" I say back to him and he kisses me on the cheek. Once Oli's bag was ready and everyone had their shoes on, we headed out the door.

I received a text from Austin saying that Luke and Conner would be there. We pull up to the house to see one other car already there so I'm glad we won't be the first one's here. We get Oli out first and set him on his feet which he bolts up to the front door before I can catch him. I shake my head and grab his bag from the backseat heading to the front door. Seb and I catch up to Oli who knocked just as we arrived behined him. Austin opened the door with a big smile on his face and invited us in, "You guys look awesome!" He says and I nod my head. Austin was dressed up as a cowboy which I thought was funny. I spotted Conner and Grayson by the TV watching a Halloween movie. Once Conner hears voices he looks up from behined the couch and gasps, "Owi!" He says running toward Oli and giving him a big hug. "Connew!" Oli says back and they both giggle. Grayson gets up and joins the group by the door, "Hey. It's good to see you guys" He responds and I notice that his Halloween costume is matching with Conner as they are both train conductors. Conner loves trains so it makes sense that he would want Grayson to match with him and they both look great.

Austin set out a bowl of candy on the dining table for littles to snack on and I saw that he also bought more toys to keep the littles occupied. Oli and Conner ran to the couch to watch A Nightmare Before Christmas while we waited for more people to arrive. "So how has everything been outside the daycare?" I ask Austin and he immediately blushes. I narrow my eyes for a second, "Well things have been going pretty well, to say the least" Seb looks at me and I nod my head. "Is Sawyer going to be coming to the party?" Seb asks with a little glint in his eyes. We all look a him and he blushes once again. "Yes. He will be bringing Aiden and Caleb as well" I smile at him and Grayson looks a little confused but shrugs his shoulders. I hear the doorbell just as I am about to ask another question and Austin excuses himself. "Who's Sawyer?" Grayson whispers, "That's Austin's boyfriend. He has two littles and they're very sweet" Grayson coos and nods his head.

We look over when we hear the door open to see Sawyer carrying Caleb and Aiden holding onto his hand. "Hey! So sorry we're a little late. Caleb didn't want to wake up from his nap" Austin gives him a kiss on the lips which we all coo at which grabs the attention of both of them. Sawyer closes the door with his hip and smiles at us. "This is Sawyer, Aiden, and Caleb" He says introducing them to Grayson. Oli and Conner made their way back to see who was at the door and Oli gave a polite way to Aiden who waved back. "Oli you remember Aiden and Caleb, yeah?" I say bending down a bit and Oli nods his head. "It's good to meet you and see you two again" Sawyer says and Aiden runs to the couch with Oli and Conner to watch the movie. "You want to watch the movie, Caleb?" Caleb shakes his head and whines, "Addie stay wif" He says, "Well Addie is watching the movie so you can stay with me until the movie is over" Caleb whines but shakes his head. We all went to the kitchen to grab drinks and talk with each other.

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