Chapter 76

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I thought it would be a good idea to take Oli to the park. He's been inside all day today and it's the weekend so I want him to enjoy himself too. Oli was watching his dino show and eating a snack on the couch so I walked up to him. "Hey Oli. Did you want to go to the park today?" I ask and he perks up, "Yes daddy" He says and giggles. "Let's go get dressed and tell Dada, okay?" He nods and takes my hand. We walk into my bedroom and Gabe is just getting out of the bathroom. "I was thinking of taking Oli to the park, do you want to come with us?" Gabe nods so I take Oli to get dressed. I dress him into some shorts and a short-sleeved shirt with a dinosaur on the front.

We started the walk to the park and Oli had taken his dino toy with him. "What do you want to do first?" I ask Oli while we walk down the sidewalk, "Hmm slide!" He says excitedly and I laugh. "We can do that. Are you going to take your dinosaur down with you?" He nods and I smile at him. We saw the park and carefully crossed the street where we saw a couple of other littles who looked friendly so I was thankful I didn't have to worry. "Okay, Oli. You remember the rules, right?" Oli nods and I send him off to have fun. Gabe and I take a seat on a bench and watch Oli go down the slide a few times. We saw a boy that was a little taller than Oli talking to him and I looked away for what felt like a second before I heard a loud cry. I turn around to see Oli on the ground and the boy standing over him. Gabe and I rush over to him. "Oh my gosh. Oli are you okay?" He doesn't say anything, he just cries and the boy runs off.

I pick him up and carry him over to the bench to set him on my lap. Gabe went to go get his dino and found that boy as well as his caregiver. I see some scrapes from the bark on his hands and I carry him to the bathroom. I set him on his feet but he whines making grabby hands at me. "I'm going wipe off the blood from your hands first Oli" I say and he whimpers before latching onto my waist. He gives me his hand and I take the paper towel, wiping off the blood and getting splinters from his hand. I throw away the paper towel and pick him back up, setting him on my hip. We walk out of the bathroom and sit back on the bench waiting for Gabe who looks like he found the person in charge of that little. Oli is still heavily hiccupping and crying which breaks my heart. "Did he say anything to you before he pushed you Oli?" Oli sniffles and nods. "Nu wike shirt an call toy dumb" He says starting to cry again and I pull him closer to my chest. I decide not to push the subject anymore.

Gabe walks over and sits down next to me with a sigh, "So?" I ask him hopefully and he turns toward me. "The little's name is Zach and his caregiver wants to apologize to Oli. And he wants Zach to apologize to Oli as well. I wanted to ask you before they came over" I nod understanding the situation and I look at Oli who is still very distressed at the whole situation. "I think it's a good idea that we get an apology" Gabe nods and waves over to a guy who starts coming over with the boy who pushed Oli. "Hello. I'm Eli and this is Zach" He says gesturing to the boy beside him. "I wanted to apologize to all of you for his actions" Eli nudges Zach and he looks up at his caregiver. "I'm sorry" He says and I give him a small nod because I'm still very upset. "Thank you" Gabe says before they walk away and I run my hands through Oli's hair. "Do you want to play at the other side of the park Oli? We can play in the sand or go on the swings?" I say trying to cheer him up and he shakes his head. "Do you want to go home?" He nods and I pick him up setting him on my hip as we start the walk back home.

Once we get inside, I set Oli on the toilet in the bathroom and get out some rubbing alcohol as well as dinosaur band-aids. "This is going to sting a little bit but it will be over quickly" I say before I put the liquid on the cotton ball. Oli is being very quiet which is unusual for him but I know he needs time to go back to his regular jumpy self. I put the cotton ball on his cuts and he whines, "Daddy hurt" He says pulling his hand away from me. "I know baby boy but your cuts won't heal as quickly without it" I say before gently taking his hand again, putting the solution on his hand and covering it with a band-aid. "All done" I say putting the stuff away in the cabinet and he runs out of the bathroom. Just as I come out of the bathroom, I see him crawling into his dino tent. "I don't think he'll be coming out anytime soon" Gabe says and I sigh nodding my head.

Little Oli (DDLB story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant