Chapter 45

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Hello everyone! I unfortunately didn't have time to write a 100,000 reader special so I decided to post an extra chapter this week in place of that. I will still be posting on Monday, July 3rd so I hope you enjoy this extra chapter! Happy Friday :)


I feel the weight of the bed lessen so I open my eyes to see the sunlight pouring into the room. I notice Gabe sitting with his back to me and I see how muscular his back is. He's got a few tattoos on his back and I bite my lip just thinking about him but my thoughts are quickly interrupted when I hear Gabe speak, "When did Oli come into our bed?" He asks with a chuckle and I sit up with my back against the headboard, "Oli had a nightmare at around 2 this morning so instead of trying to get him back to sleep, it would be easier for him to just sleep with us" I say and I notice Oli shift onto his tummy where he stuffs his face into the pillows. I grab the teether that fell out of his mouth and put it on the nightstand so it doesn't get lost. "I'm sorry to hear that. Poor Oli he must have been so scared" I nod my head and Gabe gives him a little kiss on the head before he changes into his work clothes. "I thought about staying with him today" I say awkwardly and Gabe looks back at me. "I think that would be a great idea" Gabe says which makes me feel relieved. I have never been a person to willingly stay home because I was sick but Oli was a different conversation. I'd take off a whole mouth if I had to be with him.

I get up out of bed to use the bathroom and I come out to see Gabe tying his tie in the mirror. "I'll make Oli breakfast so you can relax. When it's time for me to leave I'll kiss you goodbye" He says which makes me smile and feel my heart flutter at how sweet he is. I grab the remotes to the tv and turn it on at a low volume so Oli doesn't wake up but even hearing the tv turn on made Oli stir and lift his face from the mess of pillows. "Daddy" Oli says sleepily next to me, "Good Morning baby boy" He smiles at me and sits up rubbing his eyes, "Where dada?" I hear him ask and rub his head, "He's making you breakfast" As if on cue his tummy rumbles and giggles. I change the channel to some cartoons but Oli doesn't seem very interested. He's looking around the bed for something. "What are you looking for?" I ask him and he looks up at me worried, "Nu chew" I lean over to the nightstand and hand him his teether. He squeals taking it from my hand and putting it in his mouth.

I take a deep breath to try and relieve my anxiety but I get a great idea. "Hey, Oli. I'll be taking the day off to stay with you all day today so I thought we could do something fun" Oli looks at me with a big smile and nods his head, "I was thinking maybe during lunch we could visit Dada at work" Oli's eyes go big and he eagerly nods his head, "Yes! Yes! Have lunch wif Dada" I smile at his reaction and take that as a yes. "But we have to keep it a secret. It's a surprise" I tell him quietly and he nods his head, "Nu tell. I pwomise" I kiss his head and he goes back to watching his cartoons until Gabe comes back into the room. "Aww hi, baby boy" Oli giggles and hops off the bed running into his arms. Gabe picks him up and kisses his cheek, "Daddy told me you had a nightmare last night" Oli shyly nods his head and lets out a little yawn. "I'm sorry Oli. Do you want to talk about it?" He quickly shakes his head and lays his head on Gabe's shoulder. I don't want to press the subject so we both it at that.

Once Gabe leaves, Oli and I head out to the kitchen where Gabe cooked some waffles. I smile to myself at how lucky I am to have such a sweet person in my life. Oli peeks over the table and tries to pull the plate towards him, "Oli" He squeaks and puts his hands behind his back, "I know you're hungry. I'm getting you a plate right now" He giggles and I grab a plate putting it in his tray as he follows me around with his hands in the air to be picked up. I laugh and pick him up setting him in his chair. "How many waffles do you want?" I ask and he puts on his little thinking face before answering, "Two pwease" I nod my head and put two waffles on his plate as I go grab the butter and syrup. Oli likes a little butter and LOTS of syrup so we don't have waffles often or else he'll get a sugar high. I pour syrup over his waffles and he bounces in his seat eager to start eating. I grab a fork from the drawer and as I turn around Oli had already started eating...with his hands. His hands were covered with syrup and bits of waffle. I walk closer and he looks at up me, "What are you doing Oli?" I ask gently and he giggles throwing up his hands, "Hungry!" I shake my head with a smile and I sit next to him. "I see that. Well since you already started you might as well finish" He gasps and starts to dig into his waffles again with his hands as I watch him with delight.

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