Chapter 61 Pt. 2

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Oli was very good the rest of the day and when it came to bedtime, he wanted to sleep with me so I tucked him into Seb's side of the bed before we drifted off to sleep. I thought it would be good for us to go out to breakfast this morning to get Oli back into a happy mood before Seb came home later tonight. I also wanted to cook him dinner as a welcome home gift so I'm excited. I get out of bed, get dressed, and seeing Oli stir awake made me go straight to dada mode. "Good morning Oli" I say rubbing my hands through his hair and he scrunches up his nose. "We're going to go out for breakfast today. Are you excited?" His eyes light up and he giggles nodding his head.

He takes my hand as we head to his room, dragging his blanket behind him. "What would you like to wear?" I ask him and he thinks for a second before he answers, "Blue shiwt!" He says happily and I nod my head, slipping the shirt over his head and pulling some overalls up his legs. I pack his diaper bag with all of the necessities including sippy cups. Sippy cups have become essential for his drinks since he seems to spill everything and most restaurants don't have sippy cups for littles. I also pack an extra pair of clothes and diapers in case anything such as a leak or a big mess happens. I search around for Oli and I see him playing with his dinos in the living room, "Are you ready to go Oli?" I ask him and he stands up, "Bring bwanket?" He asks and I think about it. I know it's been a comfort item for him but I worry about it getting dirty. Then again, we can always wash those things quickly so I nod my head. He giggles and runs out the door as I follow after him.

We arrive at his favorite breakfast spot and open the door for him to walk in first. We were led to our table and I didn't say yes to a highchair since he could sit next to me. I make sure he sits near the wall of the booth and I follow into the booth after him. She gives us one regular menu and one kid menu that Oli can draw on. "Dada?" I feel Oli tap on my shoulder but he whispers, "What's up Oli?" I adjust my ear towards him, "Daddy come back today?" He asks and I nod my head which makes him squeal. "I see someone's very excited" I say and he nods his head affirmatively before going back to his coloring. I look over the menu so I'm prepared for when I have to order.

The waiter takes our orders after we had just gotten our drinks. I get a sippy cup out from his little backpack and Oli is looking at me curiously. I pour the apple juice into the cup but before I can close the lid, Oli reaches over to grab a crayon effectively spilling the contents onto the table. "I sowwy!" He says quickly sitting back into the booth looking incredibly worried. "Hey Oli. It's okay. It was just an accident. I can clean it up with no problem" Oli nods his head looking more relaxed and grabs his blanket to put in his mouth. I clean up the juice with some napkins and set them to the side before pouring the rest of the apple juice into the cup. I hand it to Oli who grabs onto the handles and starts to drink.

I help Oli color in the picture they gave him until our food comes out, "Wow. That looks delicious Oli" I say noticing that his French toast is covered in syrup, strawberries, and whipped cream. "Yus! Owi pick good" He says before taking the metal fork beside him, and stabbing it into the French toast. I ordered a simple breakfast that consisted of eggs, hashbrowns, and toast since I wasn't too hungry. I admire how much Oli loves French toast but then again it might just be the sweetness that is from the French toast. Oli and I have never spent time like this alone so it's been really nice. "Dada? Mowe juice?" he says holding up his cup and I pour the little that is left into his cup which makes him giggle.

When Oli was almost finished, I decided to talk to him about what we were going to do when we got home, "When we get home, I need to clean the house and make dinner for Daddy when he comes home. So do you think you can play by yourself for a little while?" I ask him and he nods his head, "Yus!" I chuckle and kiss the side of his head. I'm grateful that Oli can play himself every once in and awhile so I can do things during the day. And then later tonight we'll all watch a movie together while eating dessert. It feels good to have plans for when he comes home since I know he's going to be exhausted. When Oli was done, I made sure he had all of his toys and his blanket since I really didn't want him to go without a comfort item.

When we made it home, Oli made a run for it toward his dino tent and started playing with his dinosaur toys. I set the backpack on the couch and let out a small yawn rubbing my face from how tired I was. I started cleaning the house which mostly consisted of cleaning Oli's nursery since it was super messy. When he's picking outfits, he likes to throw clothes around and leave his toys out for me to step on in the middle of the night. Anyway, I dragged myself to the nursery and stared at the mess for a few minutes before finally bending down and picking up his toys. I think we should get Oli a bigger toy box, I say to myself as I look at the toy box. It's overflowing with toys and it's about to topple over with all of the weight. I distribute some of the weight by putting some in his closet and finishing up in the room.

I walk to the kitchen and get out the necessary ingredients for tonight's dinner, lobster spaghetti. I decided on something fancy since we don't eat stuff like this often and it was on sale so I thought why not? As I'm getting the lobster prepared, I hear little footsteps run into the kitchen. I look over to see Oli looking at me with his blanket trailing behind him and his teether in his other hand. "Do you need something Oli?" I ask him and he shakes his head, "I bowed" He says and I look for something he can do. "Do you want to help me wash some veggies?" He giggles and excitedly starts grabbing the veggies off the counter.

I get a step stool for him and he climbs up on it running the veggies under the water, "Wha food?" He asks tilting his head a bit. "I'm making lobster spaghetti for when daddy comes home" Oli scrunches up his nose and I laugh, "Don't worry baby boy. I'm making you some mac and cheese" Oli squeals and hops off the stool. As he was running back to the living room, the blanket caught his feet and he almost tripped. "I otay!" he shouts back and I can't help but laugh. As he made it into the living room I followed behind him to turn on the TV so he could watch something. "Dino show or paw patrol?" I asked him to make sure and he said dino show which I could have guessed. I think he only likes to watch Paw Patrol when Luke is around because he knows he likes it.

I just finished plating the food and setting it on the table when I heard the front door open. I look over to see Seb walking in looking tired but happy to be home. "Daddy!" Oli yells and runs into Seb's arms, "Oli I missed you so much. Do you have a fun time with dada?" Oli giggles and nods his head as I enter the room. "Hey. How was your trip?" I ask him while kissing his cheek. "Incredibly boring but happy to be home. I missed you guys so much" He kisses my lips and I smile into the kiss. "Was Oli a good boy?" Seb asks in a cheery tone so Oli doesn't catch on, "We had a little bit of a rough start. A few fits, crying, and he had to sit on the naughty step. But other than that, he was the best boy" I say and Seb gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure Oli loved spending time with you" He says and I nod my head.

Oli was giggling and playing with Seb's hair which was enough of a distraction from our conversation. "I made dinner and it's on the table" I tell him and he looks at me surprised as he enters the dining room. "Omg, it looks and smells delicious. Thank you so much. This is amazing" He says setting Oli down into his highchair and we both take out seats. "I was also thinking we could watch a movie after dinner to celebrate you being home" I offer as he takes a bite, "I'd love that" He says smiling at me, "How is it?" I ask cautiously, "It's amazing. You did so well" Seb says and I feel relief wash over me. I was worried it would taste gross or I'd burn the house down. "I'm so happy your back. I love you" I tell him and he blushes, "I love you too" We share a kiss and Oli goes 'Eww' from in front of us which makes us burst out laughing. I love days like this.  

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