Chapter 3

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After I leave the nursery, I sit down on the couch with a light sigh. I am glad he was able to go down easily and not fight me at bedtime. I turn on the tv with low volume for background noise. I grab the baby monitor before I step outside into the backyard and I take out a cigarette. I take out my lighter and light one up, trying to relax. I take a drag, leaning against the side of my house. I would never smoke in front of Oliver but I rarely smoke either way. I eventually finish my cigarette and walk back inside. I let out a yawn before turning off the tv and going to my room as I grab the baby monitor. I crack open the door to Oliver's nursery to make sure he is doing okay, I see him passed out with his teether on the floor, curled up with his blanket, and soft snores coming from his mouth. I close his door silently and head to my room. I strip down to my boxers and take off my shirt. I lay in bed and slowly start to fall asleep.

Time Skip to the Morning!

I slowly open my eyes and groan as I look over at the clock on my nightstand. It read 9:00 am. I am surprised I slept through the whole night. I feel well rested and ready for the day. I slowly get up and put on sweatpants. I grab the baby monitor off of my nightstand and I leave my room with it as I go to the kitchen to make breakfast. I decide to let Oli sleep in as he had a rough first day with me. I decided to make French toast for breakfast as it won't take long and could be ready for when Oli wakes up. I quickly make the French toast and set it on the counter behind me. I tidy up the living room, pick up Oliver's toys, and set them on the table by the couch. Just as I was done. I hear rustling on the baby monitor and I know he's waking up slowly. Just on cue, I hear a little whimper and then a small cry saying "Daddy". I smile as I head to his room and I open up the door. When I walked in, I saw Oliver with his fingers in his mouth, holding onto the rails of the crib, and the blanket at his feet. I coo at him as I pick him up from his crib and his teether that fell on the ground. I offer it to him and he takes it into his mouth, biting on that instead of his fingers. I quickly pick up his blanket and carry him to his highchair. I set him in his highchair and cover him with his blanket as he keeps occupied with the teether. I go to the kitchen and get him a plate with 2 pieces of French toast with syrup. I set it in front of him and he looks down at it, looking back up at me as he pushes his plate away. I remember the adoption lady telling me that he was usually talkative in the morning so something must be wrong. "What's wrong Oli? Do you not feel well?" He shakes his head. He starts to whine around his teether. "No want Oli" I look at him confused. "What do you mean Oliver?" He looks away from me and lets out a small cry. "Daddy no want Oli! Oli bad and make daddy upset" I look at him with a shocked face and shake my head. "Oliver. There is no such thing as bad Oli. Just an Oli that makes bad choices once in and while. Daddy wants you here so much because you are the best thing that has happened to me. Just because you misbehaved doesn't mean I don't want you" I say sympathetically.

He looks at me with sad eyes and makes grabby hands at me, his teether falling on the ground. I pick up his teether and set it on the table before I pick him up. I bounce him in my arms and run my hands through his hair to calm him down. He lays his head on my chest, knowing that he is calming down. "My sweet little boy. My baby Oli" I whisper in his ear and I hear him giggle. "There's my happy boy! I missed him so much" He blushes and happily squeals. "Now let's get you something to eat in that little tummy of yours" I set him back in his highchair and put his French toast back in front of him. I watch him grab his baby fork with glee and he eats his cut-up pieces. I decide to make myself some coffee to make sure I stay awake. I want to keep Oli occupied throughout the day today so he doesn't become fussy. I think about my options before I am brought out of my trance when I hear Oli call for me. "Yes, baby boy?" I see that his plate is still full. "Daddy feed?" He holds up his fork to me and I happily take it, "Of course" I stab a piece of French toast with the fork and hold it up to his mouth as he happily takes it. This goes on until all of the French toast is gone. "Down?" he asks "Down what Oli?" He taps his chin thinking really hard about what to say next. "Down pwease?" I smile and take him out of his high chair "Good boy. Would you like a sippy with some chocolate milk?" He vigorously nods his head and bounces up and down. I get one of his Dino sippies and fill it with the milk before handing it to him along with his teether. "Be careful not to spill Oli!" I tell him as he takes his things and runs off to the living room to play with his toys. I take the plates and put them in the sink, I'll clean later I think to myself. I head to the living room holding my coffee and sit down on the couch as I turn on cartoons for Oli. The first thing that comes up is a show about dinosaurs that help save people. Oli's eyes immediately light up when he sees the dinos on the tv. "Daddy! Daddy! Dinosaurs!" He jumps up and down as he points at the screen. "I see them Oli. They're really cool like paw patrol" He looks back at me with a confused expression. "Paw Patwol? Wa dat?" I'm assuming from that question; they didn't allow him to watch many cartoons. "Paw Patrol is about a show where these pups and their handler get calls to save the people of their town. Did they not let you watch cartoons at the agency?" He makes an O expression before shaking his head. "No cartoon. Only books, Oli no read. Wanna watch dinosaurs!" He giggles and I can't help but smile at him. I will have to get him a dinosaur stuffie he can carry around with him when he's upset. I pick up my phone to see a couple of text messages I missed last night; I respond to them quickly so I can gain my focus back on Oli. The messages were from a couple of friends asking what I've been up to and seeing if I want to hang out. I don't think I could leave Oli alone; he seems very attached to me and I'm afraid that he would stress out too much. I try to brush off these feelings and regain my focus back on my little.

He is super focused on the show that I put on for him. He is still standing with his teether in his mouth, lightly bounding on his feet giggling. His sippy is still on the ground half full. I smile at him and take a sip of coffee. He looks back at me and points at my cup, "Yes Oli?" I ask him and he shuffles over to me. "Try?" I laugh a little "You want to try my coffee? I don't think you'll like it baby boy" He whines and I put the cup up to his lips, tipping it a little so he can get a small taste. I know when it hits his tongue because he makes the cutest little face out of disgust. "Blah. Das icky. No mowe" He pushes the cup away as I laugh again at his reaction "I told you, you wouldn't like it" He whines out of embarrassment and runs to the kitchen, tugging at his blanket on his highchair. "Daddy! Hewp!" I get up from the living room and take his blanket off of his highchair and I see him waddle away. I narrow my eyes and see that his diaper is sagging. I call Oli over and ask him if he needed a change. He quickly puts his blankie around his waist and says a quiet no. "Oli. You don't need to be embarrassed or afraid to tell me. Daddy is here to take care of you" He shyly undoes the blanket around his waist. I pick him up, putting his blanket on the couch as I walk down the hall to his nursery. I lay him down on the table and see that a rash had formed on his butt. I internally sigh, why doesn't he tell me when he needs a change? I quickly wipe him down and put a new diaper on him. I set him on his feet and he runs to his toy box. I clean the changing table and throw away his used diaper. "Oliver" I say softly and he quickly looks up from his toy box. "Did you wear diapers at the agency?" He fiddles with his fingers and shakes his head, "Undies only. Dey say too much. Den bed get wet" He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to his toy box. I think about what he says and I can't believe that. If he was having accidents then why didn't they prevent the wet bed with diapers? And probably too much to change him all the time, no wonder he doesn't know how to tell me he needs a change. I glance at his toy box and release he doesn't have many toys; he usually sticks with the same toys he knows. Maybe I should let him pick out a couple that he would like. All of a sudden, he runs out of the room giggling. I chase after him and run into the living room where he is tying his blanket around his neck like a cape. I snatch him up and tickle his sides. My heart grows when I hear his laughter and little shrieks of delight. I release him from my grip and he jumps on top of my stomach, letting out an oof sound. I kiss his head and ruffle his hair. "My daddy" He smiles down at me and I look at him fondly. Those 2 words make me the happiest person ever. He is my little Oli and I am his daddy. I can't wait to see our relationship grow. 

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