Chapter 69

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Oli's Backstory

I was getting ready to go out when I pulled out my little stuff from under my bed. I sigh and sit back on my bedroom floor. I pull out my stuff one by one knowing that I won't be able to use it anytime soon. All I do is work and nothing else. I want to be little more often and not feel so stressed out all the time. I push the stuff back under my bed and get up to get ready for work. I put on my uniform and walked out of my room. I live alone so I don't have to worry about anyone finding those items. I grab my keys and my backpack before I head out the door. I walk down the street looking at all of the happy couples and I bite my lip. I want something like that with a daddy who will care for me and love me no matter what.

I grew up in a middle-class family but soon grew apart from my parents when they got divorced. I discovered my little side when I was fairly young and tried exploring more when I turned 18. I had some bad relationships and that affected me for a long time before I felt ready to explore it again. My previous daddies didn't feel comfortable with me wearing diapers so it quickly became an issue. It felt wrong to want to wear them and felt disgusted with myself. It felt like my life was coming to a stand still and I wasn't happy with the progress I had made. College wasn't something I wanted to do so my other option was to work and I've been doing that for as long as I could remember. I wanted something else in my life and that was to be little more often. 

I remember my friend talking about a place where you can be little and wait for potential caregivers to take an interest in you. It sounds like an adoption center which is strange but it might be my last hope. I've tried dating apps, friends, little events, and even meeting vanilla people to hopefully change their minds but nothing. I searched for places near me and one came up that was right by my work. I look around at where it could be and I see a building hidden in a corner with bright colored letters. I decided to check it out after my shirt since I was almost late. I rush into work and put my phone and backpack away in my locker. I say hi to my coworkers and begin my day.

After I clock out I am exhausted but still have the energy to see the adoption place. I walk to the place and stop in my tracks. I feel my anxiety start to increase as I look at the building and step back wanting to go home. I know that I have to put myself out there if I want to find a forever daddy so I take a deep breath and open the door. The lady at the desk smiles at me as I walk in and greets me, "Are you here to see the littles?" She asks me and I shake my head. "Oh, you're a little yourself?" I blush and nod my head. "Are you looking to find a daddy or mommy?" She asks me, "I'm looking for a daddy" I say confidently and she nods her head. "Follow me and we'll go through the paperwork as well as some questions" I smile and follow her.

We go into a small room with a desk and a chair in front of it, "Make yourself comfortable" She says taking a seat and I sit across from her. "I'll be asking you some questions to make sure this is what you want and then we'll sign the papers at the end" I fidget with my fingers and nod. "What's your name? What is your little age? And how old are you out of your headspace?" She asks, "I'm Oliver. I'm 22 and my little age is 2" I answer and she types my answers into her computer. "How long have you been a little?" She makes eye contact with me, "About 4 years" I answer and again she types it into her computer. "Are there any specific items that you wear or need in your little space?" I blush at the question, "Uh well I like to use teethers and pacis. I have always wanted to sleep in a crib. I love dinosaurs, you could say it's something that makes me feel comfortable and happy" I softy say and look away.

I hear her chuckle and I immediately look over to see her smiling, "You don't have to be embarrassed of your little side and what you need. I want to make sure that you're comfortable here and your future daddy knows as much as possible" I smile and nod my head before thanking her. She asked me a few more questions about what I was looking for in a daddy and if there were any accommodations I needed. She brings out the papers and lays a pen down next to them. "And now you can choose to sign the papers and we will take care of the rest for you such as your apartment and your job" I hesitantly pick up the pen and look over the papers. "I know it's a big decision and there's your current life you're leaving but there's new adventures to make. There's absolutely no pressure" She tells me and I look back down at the papers. If I didn't want to do this then I wouldn't be here.

I know this is a huge choice I'm making but I don't want to live this stressful life anymore without being who I really am. I want to be little and express myself with someone who accepts me. I grab the pen, sign the papers confidently, and slide them back to her. She smiles and puts the documents in her desk drawer, "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Let me go show you your room" She says standing up and I follow her down a hallway where there is a blank room with a crib and a small rug in the middle of the room. "I know it looks boring now but you can decorate it any way you want. If you request anything, just let one of us know and we'll get it for you" She says and I nod my head. "Thank you. I appreciate it" I mention before she takes her leave and closes the door.

I look at the room and smile. I finally have my own room to decorate and I get to be as little as I want. I hear a knock at the door and turn around to see a young guy in his early 20s coming in and smiling at me. "Hi, I'm Carson. I wanted to introduce myself as I will be your primary caregiver until you find a permanent daddy" I tilt my head a bit and he laughs, "I thought Summer explained this but she must have forgotten" He says and I nod my head. "I will be taking care of you and looking after you while you are here. I will be your 'daddy' so to speak. Everyone has their own caregiver here and I want to make you feel comfortable around me" I give a small smile, "I appreciate it. I'm Oliver. It's nice to meet you" I say, "It's nice to meet you too" He says joyfully and I awkwardly stand there until he speaks up again.

"Would you like to get changed or do you want to get settled?" He asks me and I know what he means by getting changed. I blush and bite my lip, even though I am into guys I haven't been little or changed by a daddy since I was 18. He notices that I'm a little hesitant, "I understand if this seems rushed" He says and I shake my head, "it's not that. It's just been a while since I've been little and taken care of by another person" I say truthfully and he nods. "I understand. I'll do whatever I can to make sure you're okay" I appreciate how kind and thoughtful they are here so I say yes. He leads me over to the changing table and picks me up setting me on it. He walks over to the closet that is full of onesies and my eyes go wide. "Do you have a preference or my pick?" He offers and I shrug, "Chu pick" I say slipping and he smiles at me picking a blue onesie for me. "Okay. Lay back little one" He says and I lay back on the changing table.

He carefully strips off my shoes, pants, and shirt putting them in my backpack. He slips the onesie over my head and clips the buttons at the bottom. He gets some sweatpants for me so my legs don't get cold and I giggle. "Let's go get you something to eat" He says and sets me on my feet. I whine and he looks back at me, "Up pwease" I say holding out my hands and he picks me up. We headed to the kitchen where they were cooking some mac and cheese. Carson sets me in a highchair so he can get me a bowl but I whine pulling at the straps. "Oliver. Don't pull at the straps. It's for your safety" He says and I put my fingers in my mouth, gently biting on them. "No biting your fingers. I'll get you a paci" Carson says and leaves the room for a second before coming back with a blue paci. He takes my fingers out and replaces it with the paci. I giggle and he smiles at me before bringing me some mac and cheese. 

After I ate he lifted me out of the chair setting me on my feet. He takes my hand and we walk past a big playroom with other littles and lots of toys. "Do you want to play before you go to bed?" I nod my head and he opens the door which makes the few littles that are inside look at me. I whimper and hide my body behined Carson, "Hey it's okay Oliver. They're very nice and want to play with you" He says and I look around the room going to a spot on the floor where there were some blocks. Another little came up to me starting to build a tower with the other blocks, "Hewwo" He said shyly and I looked up, "Hi" I said back and he looked down at the floor again. "I Mason" He says quietly, "Oliver" I say back and he smiles at me. "Do chu want to pway Mario kart?" He asks pointing to a video game system in the corner. I nod my head vigorously and he grabs my hand leading me over there.

We were playing games and giggling before the lights went dim, "Alright. It's time for bed everyone" One of the caregivers says and we turn off the game system. "See again?" I ask him and he giggles, "Yus!" He says happily and we say goodbye to each other before we go to our rooms. Carson took off my sweatpants and lifted me into my crib with my blanket and a stuffed animal. He shuts off the light and closes the door gently leaving me by myself. I look around the room at how this is all mine now and I don't have to stress anymore. I made the right choice and I'm happy to see where this new journey takes me. After a few months that I had been there, I got some inquiries about me but nothing ever followed through. I was starting to get depressed and regret my decision but when someone asked about me that fit exactly what I was looking for, I was excited to meet them. 

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