Chapter 25

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It's been 2 weeks since my last date with Gabe and we have talked a lot since then. We met up a couple more times in between talking and we've been having a great time. He talks about his work, as do I, Oli of course, and other things we were doing our day. I am currently sitting at my desk looking at my laptop along with some paperwork bedside me, thanking myself it is Friday. I check my phone; Gabe hasn't texted me in a while so I wonder what's wrong but quickly brush it off. All of a sudden, I hear a knock at my door and I tell them to come in. What came in surprised me, it was Gabe. He comes in smiling, "Hey! What are you doing here?" He closes the door behind him and sits at the chair across from me, "I thought I'd visit you since I finished my work early" I smile at him and shake my head, "You know I'd never turn down the opportunity to see you" He gives a bashful look before getting up and coming over to me, kissing me deeply and letting go. Yep, he is the one. While we look into each other eyes, I hear a knock at the door. I groan as Gabe goes to sit down in that chair, I tell them to come in. I see it is Ashton and of course, he starts talking as soon as he opens the door but stops when he sees Gabe, "Shoot. I'm sorry. I'm not interrupting something am I?" He laughs awkwardly, "No you're fine. What do you need?" He hands me more work which I internally groan at and I thank him. He turns toward Gabe, "Hey! Sorry about that. I'm Ashton, I'm Seb's friend" Gabe gets up and shakes his hand, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Gabe" Ashton nods, "So are you two...? A thing?" Ashton looks at both of us and I turn bright red, making Gabe laugh. "I will take that as a yes" Gabe blushes and I groan out of embarrassment, "Oh! Have you met Oliver yet?" Gabe shakes his head looking at Ashton, Ashton gasps, "You didn't introduce him to Oliver yet?" I shake my head, "No not yet. I was getting to it" I mumble the last part and I give Ashton a "You ruined the surprise look" and he chuckles, "Well you'll love him. He is the sweetest little boy you will ever meet and will always want you to play with his toys with him" Gabe chuckles as Ashton talks, "I can't wait to meet him. He sounds amazing" He says looking at me and I smile at him.

Ashton says his goodbyes before he leaves and Gabe sits back down. "Sorry about that. Ashton sometimes doesn't realize what he is doing or saying is embarrassing or at the wrong time" Gabe shakes it off and laughs, "It's fine. I think he's a nice person and he really seems to like Oliver so I don't mind" I nod my head, "Well I was going to ask you before Ashton came in but do you want to meet Oli?" Gabe looks at me happily and gives me a big smile, "Yes! I'd love to. I want to make sure you're comfortable" I see how happy and eager he is, "I'm comfortable with it. We have built trust over the time we have talked and Oli would be really happy to meet you" He grins as I turn off my laptop, putting it into its case along with my backpack. "About that thing Ashton said about being boyfriends. Do you-? I mean, are we?" Gabe asks me looking at me confused but curious, I bite my lip "I would like to be" I answer and he kisses me, I let him take control of the kiss before he lets go, "That makes me so happy" I blush when he says that and I grab my backpack as he opens the door for me. I head out to my car as Gabe follows me and he stands next to me as I put my stuff in the passenger seat, "I was thinking that I pick up Oli and you meet us at my house" I tell Gabe and he smiles, nodding his head, "No worries. Whatever is best for both of you" I kiss him goodbye and he watches me pull away before heading to his car. He really does look good in a suit I think as I pull away and head toward Austin's house.

I get to his house and I knock on the door. I rock on my heels with a smile on my face and I see the door open as Austin invites me inside. I step inside to hear little squeals and giggles, I look at Austin confused, "I introduced Oli to hot wheels but dinosaur themed" Austin tried to hold back his laughter, "He has been giggling watching the cars go down the track for about an hour" I smile as I head into the living room seeing him standing over the tower, putting multiple cars down the track. "Are you having fun Oli?" He turns to look at me and runs towards me, "Daddy! Miss chu" I pick him up and he nuzzles into me, "I missed you too Oli" He wants to be let down and he takes my arm, pulling me towards the track. "Watch daddy" I watch him pick up a dino car and set it at the top of the tower, letting it go. He jumps up and down as he watches it go down the track, "Vroom, Vroom!" I laugh at his actions but when I try to get him away from it, he whines and looks up at me, "Wittle bit longer?" I nod my head and go over to Austin, "If you want the dinosaur hot wheels you can have it. No other little plays with it so you're more than welcome" I decide to take it since Oli seems to love it. "So, Gabe is waiting at my house to meet Oli" Austin looks at me shocked, "No way. You need to go now. Don't keep him waiting" He practically tries to push me out the door. I laugh at him and I tell him Oli has to come too, such a dork. Once Oli is done and I call him over, I grab his backpack along with the hot wheels, he takes my hand as I say goodbye to Austin and head toward my car. I get him buckled into the car seat and his toy in the trunk. I get in the driver's seat and start to head home as my heart beats quickly. I explain to Oli that Gabe is going to be there on the drive home and Oli looks a little nervous but happily nods.

After the 15-minute drive, I pull into the driveway and text Gabe to let him know that we arrived. I see Gabe in his car and I tell him to wait until we are inside to come to the door. I get out and head towards Oli's side of the car, getting him out and setting him on his feet. I get the dino hot wheels out of the trunk and head towards the front door with Oli's backpack in my free hand. I set his backpack down as I open up the door and he runs inside, I shake my head laughing as I slightly close the door. I set all of the stuff on the ground as I hear Oli ask where Gabe is, just when he asks, I hear a faint knock on the door. Oli perks up and looks towards the door, as I go to open it. Gabe is standing there with a smile on his face as I step to the side, letting him in. He steps inside and I close the door behind him. "Oli this is Gabe. Gabe this is Oli" Oli looks at me and runs towards me, hiding behind my leg. "It's very nice to meet you Oli" Oli blushes and pushes his face further into my leg, "He's a little shy at first but he'll warm up to you" Gabe nods, "I understand. I'm a new person and he doesn't know me" By this time, Gabe had taken off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves to get more comfortable. Oli peeks out from behind my leg, "Wha dat?" I see him pointing at Gabe and he bends down to his level, "What's what Oli?" Gabe says and Oli steps out, showing his full body, "Stuff on arms" He points to his arms looking confused, "Oh these are called tattoos" Oli steps closer and looks at them, "You can touch them, it's okay" Oli touches his arm and giggles as he traces them with his finger.

Gabe points out the different tattoos on his arm while Oli traces them with his finger, "More! More!" I look down at Oli, "Oli use your manners" Oli whines and I raise a brow, "See more pwease?" I smile at him and Gabe complies, pointing to new ones on his other arm. Oli smiles wider the more Gabe talks and I smile at the two of them, yeah, I made the right decision. "No more?" Oli asks and Gabe laughs a little, "I have a couple more on my legs but I'm not taking off my pants" Oli giggles, jumping up and down, "See later?" Oli asks, "Yes you can see them another time" Oli claps and Gabe stands back up, looking up at me. I smile at him as I tilt my head a little bit, "He's adorable. He's so sweet, I never want to leave him" He laughs and I nod my head smiling, "What would you say to me taking you two out for dinner tonight?" I look at him surprised and it takes a little bit of prodding for me to say yes but I eventually agree. "Woo! Yes!" Gabe exclaims as Oli jumps up and down, not knowing what is going on. "Alright Oli, I need to get you changed" I lead him to the nursery and I tell Gabe that he is welcome to see the nursery.

Gabe happily follows us and I open the door, Oli tries to show Gabe all of his toys, "Okay baby boy, you can show Gabe your toys another time. Right now, we need to get some food in your tummy" I notice Gabe looking around his nursery and notices the diapers as Oli picks out overalls with a dinosaur t-shirt. "He wears diapers?" I turn around to look at him, I nod my head slowly, "Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but he will have accidents without diapers" I tell him and I hear Oli whine when I mention accidents. Gabe doesn't look upset or disgusted but he's smiling? That's new "I think it's cute that he wears diapers and it doesn't bother me" I sigh in relief, "Is there anything you need me to do?" I hear Gabe ask as Oli runs around being the hyper little jumping bean he is, "Umm could you grab his backpack for me? It's by the door" He nods and goes out to get his backpack as I pick up his clothes from the floor. Gabe comes back in and he hands me the backpack, I take out his blanket along with his teether and paci. "Whose car do you want to take?" I ask Gabe and he offers to take his car; I tell him that we'd have to put his car seat in his car. Gabe doesn't mind so I say yes and we head outside making sure I have all of the items needed for dinner. Oli wanted to hold my hand so I take his hand and he giggles as I set him in his car seat. Gabe opens the door for me and I get in the car, Gabe gets in the driver's seat. He smiles at me and starts to drive to the restaurant then Oli speaks up, "Wha da box?" I look at what Oli is looking at and I understand now. It's a pack of cigarettes. "That's not for little ones like you. It's for adults" Gabe replies to Oli, "Das wha daddy say when wook at box" I notice Gabe laughing a little, "Oli" I groan and Oli giggles, kicking his feet. "I'm guessing you smoke as well?" He asks me and I nod my head, "Yes but I never do it around Oli" Gabe nods his head as he pulls into the parking lot. It was a small little café, it was perfect.

Gabe parks his car and he gets out, opening my door and I smile at him. I open Oli's door, unbuckle his car seat, and set him on his feet. Oli starts to run off but before I can say anything Gabe had handled it by grabbing his hand before he could get too far, "Woah there Oli. You can't run off like that. You need to wait for your daddy" Oli whines and points towards the restaurant, "Hungry" I see him pull on Gabe's arm, "Oliver we need to wait" Gabe says gently making Oli huff and stop pulling. I was happy that Gabe kept his composure and remained calm even when Oli pushed his buttons. I grab his blanket and teether before closing the door and heading toward the front doors.   

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