Chapter 19

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I wake up at 6 am too quiet cries from the baby monitor and I sit up, rubbing my face. I head out of my room, open the door, and head to the nursery. I quietly open the door to see Oli standing up in his crib, sucking on his blanket while he lets out little cries. I fully open the door and Oli looks at me hiccupping. "What's wrong Oli?" I walk over to him; he whines as I pick him up and I feel that his onesie is wet. "Oh, Oli. Did you have an accident?" He nods his head, hiding his face in my neck "Scawy dweam" He says through his hiccups and I bounce him trying to calm him down a bit. "It's okay Oli. It was only an accident, you're just a little baby" I lay him on the changing table as I strip him of his onesie and change his diaper.

I walk out of the nursery with Oli in my arms and I put his onesie in the laundry basket. I head to the bedroom and put him in one of my shirts. Thankfully the accidents only happen when he has nightmares but I wish he never had nightmares. I set Oli on my bed as I head back to the nursery but before I can leave Oli starts to cry again "Oli I need to get the sheets off of your crib so they can be washed" He cries louder and I internally sigh as I look at him with sad eyes, I pick him up and head to the nursery setting him on the floor. I take out his blanket and his teether setting them on a chair. I see him get on his feet as I am stripping his sheets and he is tugging on his blanket. I walk over and hand him his blanket as he puts it in his mouth. I would rather he not do that, but now isn't the time to mention anything like that. I get all of his sheets and walk to the laundry room, Oli runs after me, slightly tripping over his blanket and I toss his sheets in the basket. I pick him up and carry him to my bedroom as I yawn. I lay him down next to me and he cuddles into me as I cover him with my comforter. I lay back trying to get some sleep before Grayson comes over.

When I wake up, Oli is asleep next to me but my fingers are in his mouth instead of his blanket. I grab my phone with my free hand and check the time, 10:30. Holy crap we slept for a long time. I gently try to get my fingers out of his mouth but he starts to wake up when he feels them pulling out of his mouth. He rubs the drool from his mouth on his shirt. He blinks, getting used to the sunlight, and rubs his eyes with his little hands, "Good Morning Oli" He looks up at me and smiles, "Good mowning dada" I rub his head and he giggles, trying to get to my hands. I pull them away when he gets close to them which makes him giggle more. I wiggle my fingers in his face and he catches them, I gasp, "Oh you caught me! My little Oli got me" He rolls over onto his tummy laughing, "Daddy silly" I hear his tummy grumble and he looks up at me, "Hungry" I ask him what he wants and he has his adorable thinking face on, "Waffles!" I ruffle his hair as I get out of bed, heading to the kitchen with Oli following after me, dragging his blanket behind him. I've never seen him this attached to his blanket, I'm afraid to take it away from him to wash it. I get out all of the ingredients for waffles but Oli sits on the floor, putting his blanket in his mouth.

I go to get a playpen, bring it into the kitchen, set it around him, and go back to get some of his toys to keep him occupied. I set them in his playpen and he perks up when he sees his toys. He sits crisscross as he reaches for his sound toy, mashing buttons to make different sounds. I smile at him before I start to make waffles. I mix all of the ingredients together before pouring the batter into the waffle maker. I start on my coffee and lean against the counter as it brews. I get out a coffee mug, setting it on the counter and I get a sippy cup filling it with apple juice. I flip the waffle maker over before my coffee maker beeps. I pour the coffee into the mug, humming at the taste. I bend down in front of the playpen and Oli giggles when he sees me, "Food?" He asks me and I nod my head, picking him up and putting him in his highchair. I take the waffle out of the maker, put it on a plate, and cover the waffle in butter as well as syrup. I set it on his try, giving him a baby fork. He whines when I walk over to get his sippy and my coffee mug. "Daddy pwease?" He asks me as he holds up his fork to me and I sit next to him, cutting up the waffle and feeding him until it is all gone. "I will always feed you Oli. You're just a small bean" He giggles at the nickname as he starts to drink from his sippy. I feed him all of the cut-up waffles until he's done and starts to get a bit fussy. "Wan out" He tells me and I pick him up, setting him on his feet with his sippy cup tightly in his hand, "Good boy for telling me" He blushes at the praise as he stays near me and I grab his plate putting it in the dishwasher. I turn it on and walk to the laundry room to put Oli's sheets into the wash.

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