Chapter 109

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Kimiko's P. O. V:

Hiruzen says to Kakashi, "We are leaving the rest up to you now, Kakashi, Kimiko, Sakura, plus Sasuke and Naruto." Then he, too, fades away.

"Third-sama," Murmurs Kakashi.

"Nii-san," Says Tobirama seriously, "you've now finally settled things with Madara. As Saru just said to them, let's leave the rest of it to the next generation."

He vanishes and Hashirama's spirit leaves his host before gazing at Naruto who is wiping away his tears furiously before looking at Sasuke. Then Hashirama fades as well. Little trees grow and twist around each other where the reanimated Kage stood.

The Four Tails says, "And now, all the rest of us are free too. I'm going back to Suirendo." He laughs.

"I believe I'll just hunker down in a forest," Says Five Tails.

"All of us are finally going to be able to go back to our homes now," Says Seven Tails. "I can't believe it's true. It's like a dream."

Kurama addresses Eight Tails, "Eight Tails, and what will you do?"

"Who, me?" He averts his eyes thoughtfully. "I was thinking..." Kurama tilts his head as he hums quizzically. The Eight Tails looks back at him. "I think I'm gonna go back to being partners with Bee. Even that annoying rapping that he does has ended up growing on me." He raises his head curiously. "So, what's your plan?" Kurama looks surprised by this. "What will you do?"

"Well, I'll..." Kurama trails off as turns his head away, then shifts his red eyes to his former Jinchuuriki.

As Naruto smiles at him, the Sage explains, "A little piece of each of your chakra, is already inside of Naruto. In short, Naruto is like a gathering place for you Tailed Beasts. If you want to discuss something, you can speak to each other through your chakra within Naruto. Kurama." The fox turns his head to his creator. "I'd like you to stay inside Naruto as the overseer of the gathering place."

Kurama was surprised by this. "Wha...?"

"You no longer mind, right?"

"Well..." The fox glances to Naruto. "I guess I'll do it if you insist, old man." The other eight Tailed Beasts laugh at this. "What is it?! What the heck is so funny?!"

Five Tails tells him, "You still can't be honest about your feelings! You haven't changed, Kurama!" Naruto giggles at that.

I say in immense relief, still holding up Kakashi, "It's finally finished! The Fourth Great Ninja War is over."

Kakashi agrees, "Yeah. All that's left is..."

The Sage of the Six Paths turns to Naruto and Sasuke and says seriously, "Alright, Naruto and Sasuke. About what I asked you two before. Having battled my mother, Kaguya, is there any change to the answers you gave me?"

After a heartbeat of silence, Naruto responds unwaveringly, "My answer's the same. And I'm sorry, Super Gramps, but after fighting Kaguya, there's just... one thing I feel strongly about." A smile touches his lips. "I'm just really happy that my mum was Kushina Uzumaki, you know? Kaguya was different was anyone else I've ever fought against." Here, the blonde averts his eyes as his smile fades. "It's like she didn't even have a heart at all."

"Long ago, it was said, that my mother Kaguya started off as a beloved goddess of the people. I'm not certain what made her transform into a being that was called a demon. I suspect that the process, or something started after rays devoured the chakra fruit. In any case, you are not like my mother. I trust you not to become like her, even if you have all the Tailed Beasts' chakra in you."

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