Chapter 73

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Kimiko's P. O. V:

I hesitate as I look back towards Pein, my teeth clenching. Fang and Scar have gone to search for someone who can backup my Sensei.

I could only watch as Pein lowers his arms, dust swirling around his feet and the now devastated ground. Forming a perfect circle around the orange haired, the ground raises and is powerfully forced back by a wave of chakra, sending buildings toppling to the ground, along with people. Taking my Sensei with it.

Keeping his face angled to the ground, Pein slowly turns his head to glare right at me from the corner of his eye. His eyes narrow and the corners of his mouth pull down, sending a shiver of fear up and down my spine. I feel Akai, Takeshi, Shin, Momo, and Ace press closer to me protectively, and I clench my fingers into Ace's fur.

My wolves and I continue moving away as Fang and Scar reappear amongst the rubble.

"Backup has arrived, M' Lady!" Fang calls.

"You found someone?" I ask hopefully.

"Just a couple of fat guys," Scar responds, making me sweat drop slightly.

"Wait, does he mean the Akimichi?" I think with tilt of my head.

As we were running, I stop short as a man with slick back orange hair and piercing all through his face and ears runs past, quickly followed by a white streak and huge blast of water. A sweep of the white wolf's claws and the water blast miss the Akatsuki member.

"Arielle?! Jet?!" I exclaim as they stop.

Arielle's eyes flash brightly as she swings her claws for the Akatsuki once again, then aims a kick which sends the man flying.

"What are you guys doing here?! I thought I sent you with Kiba?!" I ask as Jet lands beside me.

"We are with that chump, M' Lady," Says Jet as Kilala races after the Pein, fire crackling with flames. "He's right on our tail. Apparently, there are a few of these things running around, but your boyfriend and his mother were informed physical attacks are useless against him. Argh! This one is grating on my nerves!"

"I like this wolf!" Tsume says as she lands on her tall black and white ninja hound, purple lips curving into a smirk.

Jet smiles back at her.

Kiba appears then. He switches his gaze to me. "You wanna join us, Princess? We sure could use your help."

"Thanks, but I'm fine. I'm about to go see if anyone needs backup, or some medical attention," I reply, throwing him a smile. "I'll catch up later. You guys have fun. You should probably go and aid Arielle."

"It's fine, Kimi-chan. Akamaru marked him, so he won't be getting away anytime soon," Kiba responds.

"Let's get going, boys!" Tsume says as Kuromaru starts to run in the direction of Arielle. "We'll have this guy beaten before Kimiko could catch up to us."

They take off.

I say to my gray wolf, "Be careful out there, Jet."

"You don't have to tell me, M' Lady. You just watch yourself," He says before taking off and disappearing over the rooftops.

"I hate having to leave you alone, Kimi-chan," Kiba says to me, causing me to look at him. "I don't know what it is but I have this bad feeling..."

"Kiba-kun, I'll be fine! I have my wolves with me," I assure him with a grin. "You need to relax! Nothing is going to happen—argh!" I was cut off with a kick to the side and I'm sent tumbling across the ground.

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