Naruto Shippuden, The Movie, The Will of Fire, Part 3

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Kimiko's P. O. V:

As we run further into the mountain, Shikamaru's group catches up to us.

"Naruto, just listen to me!" The Nara calls. Naruto frowns. "The enemy's coming at us, one after another. That just proves that Kakashi Sensei's crucial to their scheme!" Naruto jerks his head away. "In other words, it's exactly as he planned! If we just stick to his strategy, we'll defeat this enemy!"

Naruto shouts back, "I don't care! That doesn't matter to me!"

Shikamaru mutters, "That stubborn idiot just doesn't get it!" A shadow flies over us.

A bird flies overhead and launches several feathers. When they hit the ground, they explode. Sakura, Naruto and I dodge them. Shikamaru landsin front of Naruto.

"I wanna save Kakashi Sensei, too, don't you know that?" The Nara says, glancing behind us. "But I can't sacrifice everyone in the village for one man!"

In a couple of heartbeats, there's an explosion of light from a flash bomb from above, causing us to stop and look around, as the man stop the bur shields his eyes.

It was Sai!

"Naruto, Kimiko, Sakura! Jump on board!" Sai calls Ashe flies down to us on his ink bird.

Naruto gasps, "It's Sai!" As he nears us, we jump atop the bird and spare the Nara a last glance as we fly right by Shikamaru.


The wind is very strong up here and the bird struggles to stay airborne.

Sai says to us, "It's much too windy here. We'd better land while we still can."

I nod my head as I say, "Got it." Sai flies us a bit lower before the ink bird vanishes. We descend towards the earth and land. We straighten and turn to the former Anbu Black Op member. "Sai, thanks for coming."

Sakura says, "You saved us!"

Sai asks as he turns to us, giving a closed eye smile, "Well, I am a member of Team Kakashi, too after all. Do you think I could go with you?"

Sakura and I agree, "Yeah! Of course!" We glance to Naruto. "Right, Naruto?"

"Sure! If you take to heart what Kakashi teaches," He grips his left arm while clenching a fist, "then you are a member of the team!"

A sly expression crosses Sai's face as he turns his head, but then a book with a pink cover and a girl on it drops out of his cloak.

Sakura, Naruto and I gape in shock.

""A GIRL'S FEELINGS?!"" I exclaim mentally. Where the hell did he even get that?!

Sai explains, "My book says pursuing someone in this situation is certain to be appreciated."

Naruto grumbles as deadpan expressions appear on our faces, "Oh, you were faking. Isn't that just great?"

"Yeah, and you dropped your book," Sakura and I add sheepishly.


We continue further into the mountain, running along a cliff. As we do, sand pours in around us and we stop to watch it.

I grumble, trying to shield my eyes, "Urgh, what's with this sandstorm...?"

Naruto mutters, rubbing his eyes, "Err! My eyes sting!" Sand rapidly forms boulders as Gaara appears on the ledge before us. Naruto grins. "Hey, it's Gaara! You came to help us!" Not from the way those rocks are floating over the place...

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