Chapter 10

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Kimiko's P. O. V:

Kakashi states, "Itachi's Genjutsu is a visual Jutsu. Which means, avoid eye contact with him and his Jutsu can't take effect!"

Naruto says, "Yeah. That I know."

Sakura questions, "Okay. But then, how are we supposed to fight him?!"

I say, "Just watch his feet, other parts of his body."

Drifting her gaze cautiously up and down the Uchiha's body, Sakura grits out, "It's like fighting with one arm behind your back!"

Chiyo muses in astonishment, "The Uchiha clan, hm? It's been a long time since I've gone up against the Sharingan." Naruto and I gasp in surprise. "Don't look so surprised! I've been around; and I know there's more than one way to fight a visual Jutsu like that."

"Yeah?! Like what, then?" Naruto asks.

"If one against one, abandon the field. If two against one, take the rear and he'll yield."

Naruto asks in confusion, "What's that mean?"

"Well, the first part is pretty self explanatory, isn't it? The Sharingan can never be beaten in single combat. But, if you outnumber the Sharingan user, if the battle of two against one, then even if one of you is caught in his Genjutsu, the other is free to strike from the rear, breaking the Genjutsu spell. Even if your attack from the rear should fail somehow, you're still free to strike your comrade yourself and break the Genjutsu that way. So while one of us fights him face to face as a distraction, the rest of us will mount a series of attacks from the rear, where his Sharingan can't reach."

"Good plan," Sakura says.

Naruto says while glancing at Chiyo, "I guess you learn a lot of stuff like that if you live long enough."

Naruto says as he's about to step forward, "Alright, let's go! I'll take the rear—"

"Wait!" I interrupt, preventing the blonde from attacking.

"Okay, we're waiting, Kimi-chan. But what are we waiting for?" Naruto queries.

Chiyo asks, "Do you have a problem with my way of fighting the Sharingan? Are you suggesting my methods won't work?"

I input, "No. They work fine against ordinary Genjutsu. But what we're dealing with here is something much more complicated."

"Meaning what?"

I explain, "He uses Mangekyu Sharingan; it's far more powerful than any other visual Jutsu. It only takes a second, but if he hits you with that Jutsu, it'll be the longest second you've ever lived. Time itself gets warped. What seems like a second in the real world, could seem like hours or days trapped in his Jutsu."

Kakashi adds, "I know. I've wandered around in it for three days. I'd lost consciousness for more than a week. It's not a Genjutsu that can be broken just like that."

Chiyo says, "That does sound tricky. What a troublesome fellow this is."

Itachi says to me, "Very good, Kakashi. I see your sojourn in my Tsukuyomi wasn't wasted."

I continue, almost smugly, "Oh, believe me, I learned something else as well. There's a price to pay for using that Sharingan. It exhausted you, didn't it? You had to quit before the battle was over. So in addition to using up a lot of chakra, you risked permanent damage to your eye every time you use that Jutsu, don't you, Itachi."

Itachi says, "You seem to have learned a great deal... from our previous brief encounter." I just smirk back at him.

Kakashi muses as he raises his hand to his headband, "I wonder... just how much damage has already been done to your eyesight?"

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