Chapter 26. 1814

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Briella slowly turned around and felt her mouth drop to the floor. Her new chamber was much larger than the one at Monroe Park. The walls were composed of dusty blue and trimmed with cream. There was a tall glass window overlooking the countryside, a closet and bathing chamber, chamber pot, dressing table, and blazing fireplace. There was a large and luxurious circular king sized bed with a dusty blue and cream coverlet.
Julian smiled softly. "I do hope you like it."
Briella smiled at him. "It is a very nice bedroom."
Julian. "I'm glad you like it. However, I do believe it is missing one little detail."
Briella raised one eyebrow. "And what detail is that?"
Julian smiled. "You will find out very shortly."
Briella gasped, her eyes taking in the magnificence of the room as it became transformed. Aside from the blazing fireplace, there were two dozen glowing white candles placed perfectly around the room. Moments later, Crystal vases filled with pink and cream roses accompanied the candles. .
Julian was beaming proudly. "I believe it looks much better now, don't you?"
Briella smiled brilliantly. "It's perfect my love."
Julian took a step forward, taking her face between his hands. "Good, because I want this night to be filled with nothing but love and pleasure for you. For both of us."
Briella caressed his cheek. "And it will be."
Julian kissed her tenderly. "Yes, it certainly will."
Their lips came together for another passionate kiss, growing hot and heavy by the moment. Their tongues began a delicious waltz as their fingers started removing one another's clothing. Within moments, they were both naked, skin against Skin. They took a few steps away to admire one another.
Briella had initially thought Julian's cock was quite the specimen. But now, she realized he was magnificent as a whole. Her eyes traveled across every breathtaking muscle that rippled throughout his body, and she felt fire consume her.
Julian smiled. "Do you approve my Duchess?"
Briella smiled. "Oh yes my dear, I certainly do. The question is, do you approve of me?"
Julian couldn't breathe, his cock throbbing as he stared at his wife. She was absolutely flawless. His eyes drank in every curve of her body, and he felt flames lick his soul.
Briella smiled, running her fingers through her curls and allowing the hair pins to fall free. Her hair cascaded elegantly down her back and shoulders. "I can see by your expression that you do approve your grace."
Julian felt his cock throb, and he licked his lips with hunger. "Oh, my sweet darling, I certainly do."
Their lips came together again, their kisses sweet and passionate. They moved to the bed, lying down upon the coverlet. Their bodies became intertwined, their arms and legs wrapping around each other. They kissed, caressed, and touched one another with love and adoration.
Briella felt as if her body was being caressed by Julian's cock, each suite stroke sending her further and further into ecstasy. She never believed that she would ever feel the pleasure she was experiencing at that moment. It was pure heaven.
Julian held her tightly against him, his cock stroking deep within her. At last, he was making love to someone, and was being given the same gesture in return. This was what he had wanted, what he craved. It was perfection.
They didn't pick up their pace, wanting to keep their lovemaking slow and sensual. Even when they reached their peak of release, they didn't move any faster. They held each other tightly, not wanting to separate for a single moment. They felt that, if they did, the beautiful moment would be ruined.
Julian caressed her cheek as they lay together in the afterglow of their lovemaking. He smiled softly. "I love you my darling."
Briella smiled at him. "As I love you my dearest. What we just did was magnificent."
Julian smiled. "It certainly was. However, there is one more thing that needs to be finished before we are completely united as one."
Briella. "And what is that?"
Julian. "We must mark one another."
Briella nodded slowly. She knew what that meant. The two of them would have to drink each other's blood, creating a mark with their canines.
Julian moved a few strands of hair away from her face. "Should we do it together?"
Briella. "I'm fine with whatever decision you make. We could do it separately or together."
Julian. "Why don't we do it together then?"
Briella smiled and nodded. "Very well."
Exchanging another sweet kiss, they moved their lips across one another's neck, and then down to their chest. Their canines exposing, they bit down into one another's flesh, beginning to drink their blood. As they did so, their canines created a diamond shape that became etched onto their heart.
Once they finished, the Duke and Duchess of York lifted their eyes to one another and smiled. They could feel the bond cascading between them, flowing through them like fire. Their love was pure and sweet, filled with desire and passion and depth. At last, they united as one.

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