Chapter 11. 1813 

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Briella bit her lip, knowing that she needed to thank the Duke of York for saving her life the previous evening. Swallowing hard, she lifted her eyes to meet his. "Your grace, I must thank you for taking me away from Ruby Hall last night. I am so sorry that you had to witness those three men..."
Julian raised one hand, his eyes and tent on her face. "I was not about to leave you in the hands of those bastards. I couldn't stand there for a moment longer and watch them treat you so poorly. Good God, the thought makes me sick just thinking of it."
Briella felt her heart squeeze. Julian had witnessed her being used by Nikolai Michael and George. She took a breath. "I am grateful that I will no longer be there. However, I do need employment."
Julian nodded. "I am going to help you. I know a friend of mine who will take you under her wing and make you a proper courtesan."
Briella stared at him, her eyes wide. "A proper courtesan?"
Julian. "Yes. Her name is Victoria Rosewood. She is a former courtesan, and is now one of the most famous matchmakers in all of London. She will give you the proper tutelage that you need in order to be matched with a permanent protector."
Briella smiled. "She sounds very nice."
Julian smiled. "Miss Rosewood is one of the finest women I have ever met. She will match you with someone who is going to take care of you, not treat you as if you're a dog."
Briella. "Well then, I am looking forward to meeting her."
Julian. "While you recover here, I will personally go and speak with Victoria. I will make sure that you are taken care of properly."
Briella gave him a soft smile. "Thank you for your kindness your grace, I very much appreciate it."
Julian returned her smile. "You are very welcome Miss Weston."
Briella. "Nicolette told me that I was to stay here for the next two days."
Julian shook his head. "No, I would like to extend your stay. At least five days, that way you can heal."
Briella stared at him, completely at a loss for words. The Duke of York was being so kind to her, so patient and caring. She was going to have to thank him properly.
Julian turned his attention to the bookshelves. "Have you read any of these?"
Briella glanced across the shelves of books, smiling. "Not all of them your grace, but I do recognize a few titles that I have enjoyed."
Julian. "I have read just about every book in this library. Some I have preferred more than others."
Briella giggled. "You seem very well educated."
Julian chuckled. "Well, I did attend Oxford. My father did as well. He was a wonderful man."
Briella instinctively took his hand. "How did he pass?"
Julian looked down. "A very sudden and unexpected heart attack. He died five years ago."
Briella. "I'm so sorry. What about your mother?"
Julian. "She died during childbirth, along with my sister. My father was devastated."
Briella gasped, her hand covering her mouth. "Your grace... I am so sorry."
Julian. "My father and I became very close, and he taught me the ways of both York Park and Monroe Park. I also have my grandmother who lives in the cottage half a mile away from York Park."
Briella. "I'm glad you're not alone."
Julian looked at her. "What about you? Do you and Francis have your parents?"
Briella shook her head. "Sadly not. My father died of a sudden fever, and my mother contracted that same fever and died of it two days after him. This happened 10 years ago, I was 11 years old and Frances was 15 years old."
Julian squeezed her hand. "My deepest condolences. I hope you have some family left."
Briella shook her head. "Sadly not. Anyway, let's not speak of sad things now. I am very anxious to speak with Victoria Rosewood as soon as possible."
Julian smiled softly. "As soon as you are recovered completely, I will take you to Dona Bella and you may speak with her."
Briella. "Thank you your grace, I cannot tell you how appreciative I am of everything you have done. I must thank you somehow."
Julian shook his head immediately. "Please, there is no need to thank me. I want to make sure that you are well."
Briella smiled. She knew she was going to give the Duke of York a proper gift. A gift that only a courtesan would give.
Julian rose to his feet, offering a hand to her. "Care to take a walk with me in the garden? That is, if you're not hurting."
Briella smiled, taking the hand that he offered. "I would be honored to join you for a walk. I am all right for the moment."
Exchanging a soft smile, they stepped out into the Monroe park gardens. They explored the beautiful variety of roses that lined either side of the garden path. They continued talking about their childhood memories of their parents, sharing stories of things they had done as children.
Briella knew that, with Julian's assistance, she was going to be in the best of hands. She was anxious to meet Victoria Rosewood, knowing that a new life without pain and misery was about to begin. She was hoping and praying that, whoever her permanent protector was going to be, he would be as kind and handsome as the Duke of York.

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