Chapter 15. 1813 

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Briella felt her knees buckle beneath her. She knew that voice, knew it very well. That voice belonged to only one gentleman. Taking a breath, she turned her head and came face-to-face with a pair of dark emerald eyes.
Julian stood behind her, smiling softly. His muscular frame was outlined in a three piece black velvet suit with a cream silk button up shirt white cravat and black boots. Under the glow of fire light, he was even more handsome than the first time Briella had seen him.
Briella continued staring at him, still not able to believe that he was in front of her. She shook her head. "Please tell me I am dreaming."
Julian chuckled, the sound flowing through her body like a warm flame. "I wish I could tell you that, but you are far from dreaming. Honestly, I was a bit confused when Victoria told me to come here."
Briella moved toward the divan. "What exactly did she tell you?"
Julian. "She told me that my mistress would be in this room."
Briella froze, her heart sputtering. "She told me that my protector would be in this room."
Julian turned his head to make sure that the door was closed behind him. Then he turned back around and walked slowly toward her. "It seems we are the only two people in this room."
Briella felt her knees give out, and she sank down onto the divan. "Which means..."
Julian knelt in front of her, taking her gloved hands into his. "Which means, my dear, that you and I have been matched."
Briella couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Julian was her protector. She was his mistress. They were a permanent match.
Julian smiled at her, his eyes glowing. "I'm just as surprised as you are, but so very thrilled to call you mine."
Briella smiled, blinking away her tears of excitement. "I am thrilled that we have been matched together. However, before we proceed with anything, I believe it would be best to Քէհեաեաններու... to share anything that we may have not shared while I was at Monroe Park. That way there are no secrets."
Julian nodded, rising from his position on the floor and sitting down next to her on the divan. "I agree. I was going to ask if... I don't mean to pry but... did you have any other gentleman before Ruby Hall?"
Briella swallowed hard, her mind immediately going to images of Charles. She took a breath. "I did your Grace. I was engaged for a short time."
Julian nodded slowly. "Who was the gentleman?"
Briella. "Lord Charles Valmont, Viscount Valmont. We were engaged for about five months, but then he broke it off."
Julian. "If I may ask, what was the reason?"
Briella stood up, walking back toward the fireplace. "There were so many reasons for that your grace. One reason was that the two of us didn't love each other. Lord Valmont had forced himself on me, and my brother Francis had found us. There was no other choice but for me to be married to the Viscount."
Julian swallowed hard. Briella had been forced upon by more than one man. "What were the other reasons?"
Briella turned her head to look at him. "There was another reason... I can't quite explain it with words but... I can show you."
Julian. "Describe it however you need to."
Briella moved back to the divan, sitting down next to him. She took his hands. "Before I show you, I will warn you that the images are not pleasant."
Julian nodded. He was bracing himself for the worst. What more had this beautiful woman endured?
Taking a breath, Briella closed her eyes and showed Julian the image of the night at the opera. She showed him how she had been with child, and then her miscarriage. She showed him how Charles had been furious, blaming her for the loss. She showed him how Charles had snatched her ring away from her and then had left her alone.
Julian shook with rage. That bloody bastard, he thought. Briella had endured pain, and Valmont had done nothing. He squeezed her hands gently. "I am so sorry."
Briella opened her eyes, shaking her head. "Quite honestly it was a relief to lose that child. I knew that Charles wouldn't be a good father. He didn't love me, and I did not return the favor. Unfortunately, Francis had given Valmont my entire dowry. Once the engagement was broken, I had no other choice but to go to Ruby Hall and make my own wages."
Julian shivered. "And... Ruby Hall was not what you expected."
Briella shook her head. "No, indeed it wasn't. What you saw that night you rescued me... I had endured more pain than that."
Julian's mouth dropped. "You endured more pain than that?"
Briella nodded, swallowing hard. "Yes. I had to endure the most excruciating pain at the hands of those three men."
Julian growled, images of that night cascading back into his mind. "Who are they?"
Briella looked down. "Viscount Greenwich, the Marquis a Plymouth, and Barron Stratford."
Julian staggered to his feet, taking a few steps back and staring at her. "Do you mean to tell me that Nikolai Michael and George had their way with you?"
Briella blinked, surprised. "Yes, you know them?"
Julian massaged his face. "I don't run in the same circles that they do. They are all bloody fucking rakes. But yes, I know them from my days at Oxford."
Briella trembled. "I am glad none of them have been matched with me."
Julian. "I wouldn't allow them to be, and I know Victoria wouldn't either. Those three bastards don't even want to settle down and have families. They would much rather go around and... Well, I don't want to use any more vulgar language around you."
Briella gave him a soft smile. "They would much rather go around and fuck light skirts?"
Julian's eyes widened at her choice of words. "Exactly."
Briella rolled her eyes. "Well, why don't we leave that topic of conversation your grace? I believe it is your turn to divulge your secrets."

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