Chapter 4. 1813 

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Ruby Hall, located on Piccadilly Street, was bustling with activity. On the outside, the two-story house appeared normal. It was composed of dark red stone with black trim along the windows and roof, along with a small garden in the back. It was a stately mansion owned by Miss Esmeralda Malcolm.
However, on the inside, Ruby Hall was anything but normal. It was a place where girls between the ages of 21 and 25, who were not married, and didn't have a proper income, secured themselves some financial stability. It was a place where vampires, both pure vampires and witches, but only the pure vampires and witches, could go and seek employment. Each girl was lovely, and very skilled with her task of pleasuring her clients.
Esmeralda, a beautiful but menacing woman with black hair and purple eyes, was the owner of Ruby Hall. She was a pure blood witch, and wasn't afraid to use her abilities. At the age of 27, she was passed the retiring age of a courtesan. However, she did have a long time lover who was a warlock. A very powerful warlock at that.
Esmeralda had a group of six girls, three of whom would be retiring that week and the other three who would be staying. She did have room for one more girl, but at a high cost.
Esmeralda's Lady in waiting, Hazel, poked her head into the room and smiled. "I do hate to disturb you Madam, but there is a young lady here wishing to speak with you."
Esmeralda glanced up from her pocketbook. "Thank you Hazel. Have her wait in the parlor. I will be there shortly."
Hazel nodded and swept from the room.
Finishing up her work, Esmeralda rose from her seat, her dark purple gown swirling around her as she moved. Stepping out of her office, she walked into the parlor and noticed her new guest waiting for her. She stared at the young woman. "Good evening."
Briella looked up, her aqua blue eyes filling with fear. "Good evening. Are you Miss Malcolm?"
Esmeralda nodded, moving across the dark red carpet and sitting down on the plush deep red velvet chair across from her. "Yes, I am. And what is your name?"
Briella exhaled slowly. She had found the right place. "Briella Weston Madame. I have come to seek employment from you."
Esmeralda. "Well Briella, I must ask you a few questions before you begin work here."
Briella nodded. "Of course Madame."
Esmeralda sat back against her chair, folding her elegant hands into her lap. "First off, are you a virgin?"
Briella shook her head. "No, I am not."
Esmeralda. "Then you have engaged in sexual intimacy before?"
Briella. "Yes I have."
Esmeralda. "How old are you?"
Briella. "I am 21 Madame."
Esmeralda. "This is the most important question I am going to ask you. Are you a vampire or a witch?"
Briella swallowed hard. From the moment she had walked into that establishment, she had smelled, and sensed, that there were vampires and witches surrounding her, but never hybrids. She took a breath. "I am a hybrid."
Esmeralda's dark purple eyes became bright with surprise. "You're a hybrid? So you are a vampire and a witch?"
Briella. "Yes Madame. My father was a vampire and my mother was a witch."
Esmeralda. "I see."
Briella. "Is that going to be a problem Madame?"
Esmeralda shook her head, her powers beginning to shimmer with excitement. She knew exactly what she was going to do with this hybrid. "No, certainly not my dear. However, you are going to have to follow a different set of rules than what my other girls follow here."
Briella. "Of course, I will do whatever it takes. I want to make some sort of living for myself, at least for a while."
Esmeralda. "Of course. If you come to my office, I will give you the document containing the rules."
Briella nodded, rising from her seat and following Esmeralda into her office. Looking around, she noticed that all of the walls were composed of dark red and black, as well as the marble floor and staircase. She took a seat in another dark red velvet chair across from the woman's desk.
Esmeralda sat down at her desk chair, opening a drawer and pulling out a document. She gave it to Briella. "This will provide you with everything you need to know. Housing food and clothing will be provided for you. The rest, you will need to read on your own."
Briella took the paper. "Thank you. Where is the room that I am going to reside in?"
Esmeralda. "The room you will have will be the last room on the left."
Briella gave her a soft smile before standing up. "Thank you."
Esmeralda gave her a deadly smile. "You are very welcome Miss Weston. You begin work tomorrow night."
Briella turned and left the room. Making her way upstairs, she walked down the hallway until she reached the last bedroom on the left. There was a black key attached to the gold door knob. Unlocking the door, she pushed it open and walked inside.
The room was small. The walls were composed of the same dark red and black as the rest of the house. There was a blazing fireplace, bathing chamber and chamber pot, tall glass window, closet, and bed.
Briella swallowed hard, closing the door behind her. This room, the whole house if she was being honest, didn't feel very inviting. Walking over to the closet, she opened the large oak doors and found herself staring at a single rack of dark colored gowns ranging from purple to red. There were a few black gowns, as well as a few dark blue gowns. The sleeves were off the shoulder, the neck lines sweetheart and low cut with lace. The material was plain cotton.
Briella shook her head, closing the closet doors and sitting down on the bed. Taking a breath, she started reading the list of rules that Esmeralda had given her. Her eyes traveled across each set of rules, her stomach dropping with each one.

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