Chapter 10. 1813 

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Nicolette. "Of course. Is there anything you need from me at the moment?"
Briella shook her head. "Not now, thank you."
Nicolette smiled. "Very good my dear. If you should need anything, ring for me or Cecily. She will be your lady in waiting."
Briella. "Thank you."
Smiling, Nicolette turned and left the room to begin her duties.
Briella smiled softly to herself, realizing that she was no longer in danger. At least for the time being. She was anxious to meet the gentleman who had saved her life and brought her to Monroe Park.
Later that afternoon, Briella was escorted by Nicolette into the library where the afternoon tea would take place. She was wearing a simple yet elegant dusty blue cotton gown with off the shoulder sleeves and cream lace decorating the neckline. Her hair was fixed into a side bun with curls along her left shoulder.
Nicolette smiled as they walked into the library. "His grace will join you shortly."
Briella gave her a soft smile. "Thank you Nicolette."
Nicolette returned her smile before spinning on her heel and departing the room.
Once she was alone, Briella glanced around the room. The two walls on either side had tall bookshelves with several volumes lined up alphabetically on each shelf. There was a large glass window overlooking Mayfair. There was a blazing fireplace and a cream colored chaise by the window..
turning away from the massive bookshelves, Briella noticed the elegant table in the center of the room. She smiled softly, walking over to the table to examine it closely. There was a steaming tea pot with two tea cups and two saucers, as well as a three tiered cake stand piled high with sandwiches scones and clotted cream and desserts. A pair of chairs had been placed on opposite ends of the table.
Briella made her way to the window, looking out over the city. It was teeming with life and energy. People took their dogs out for walks and carriages rumbled along the cobblestone road. It was a lovely place to live, at least for the wealthy.
Footsteps echoed behind her, causing Briella to snap out of her reverie. Turning around, she caught sight of a gentleman entering the library. Her heart stopped, heat flooding through her entire body as she stared at him.
He was tall, with golden blonde curls and dark green eyes. His face was chiseled, his cheekbones strong. He was wearing a white cotton button up shirt with a dark green waist coat black trousers and black boots. He gave her a soft smile, his expression non-threatening.
Briella blinked, completely at a loss for words. The gentleman before her was absolutely beautiful. Nothing like the gentleman she had endured for the last several weeks at Ruby Hall.
The gentleman took several long strides toward her, his expression still soft. "Good afternoon."
Briella felt her knees buckle, her heart pounding like mad against her ribs. His voice was so rich, a deep velvet baritone that caressed every inch of her body. She sank down onto the chaise, still not able to say a word.
His steps never wavering, the gentleman moved so that he was sitting beside her on the chaise. His dark green eyes were intense on her face. "I assume you can speak my dear."
Briella swallowed, clearing her throat nervously. "Yes, I can sir. My apologies, it's just that... I have never seen a gentleman like you before."
Of course she had never seen a gentleman like him before. She had never seen a kind hearted man like him before. Julian was very much aware of what kind of men his guest had seen over the last several weeks. He gave her a soft smile, reaching out and taking her hand. "It's perfectly all right for you to feel uneasy at the moment. However, I assure you that I am not going to be anything like those men you have been with."
The beautiful woman relaxed slightly, giving him a tentative smile. "I could sense that you were different. And, if I may be permitted to ask, are you the Duke of York?"
Julian was momentarily at a loss for words, his body becoming overwhelmed by the sweet caress of her soft and delicate soprano voice. After a moment, he composed himself and nodded. "Yes, I am lord Julian Monroe, the Duke of York."
The young woman smiled softly. "It's a pleasure to meet you your grace."
Julian. "May I ask your name?"
His companion became a little pink. "Briella your grace, Briella Weston."
Julian smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Weston. Please, come and join me for some tea."
Rising from her position on the chaise, Briella followed the Duke of York to the table in the center of the room. She was helped into her seat before watching him take his own seat across from her. She glanced at the cake stand with the delectable food, her stomach growling.
Julian poured them both a cup of tea, handing Briella one of the cups and saucers. "How many sandwiches would you like?"
Briella stared at him, surprised by his question. "I... I am not limited on my choices?"
Julian tilted his head, confused. "No, of course not. There are six different sandwiches here. You may choose three of them."
Briella was stunned. She was being given the choice of three sandwiches, not limited with two of them. With trembling fingers, she picked up a coronation chicken sandwich, a smoked salmon sandwich, and a cucumber cream cheese sandwich.
Julian watched her carefully, noticing how her fingers trembled as she placed each sandwich onto her plate. Instinctively, he reached out and put his hand on top of hers. "Please, do not hesitate here. You are safe."
Briella gazed into his eyes, feeling that familiar wave of heat from earlier when he had walked into the room. His words were sincere, his expression patient, gentle. She took a breath, allowing her body to relax a little further. "Thank you your grace."
Julian. "You are welcome."
They enjoyed their afternoon tea, feeling the tension and awkwardness disappearing as the minutes went by. They discovered they shared a love of the theater and arts, as well as literature and poetry. Once they finished, they moved from the table and toward the chaise, taking the seat.

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