Chapter 3. 1813 

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It was one thing for a gentleman of noble birth to be humiliated by someone. It was another thing if the gentleman knew the person who was humiliating him. It was entirely another matter when the person humiliating the gentleman was his own wife.
That was exactly what lord Julian Monroe, the Duke of York, had walked into. He had returned to York Park after taking his horse out for a ride. Entering his majestic country estate, he had heard moaning coming from his bed chamber.
Making his way upstairs, Julian mounted the landing, moved down the hallway, stepped through the threshold of his bedchamber, and froze. His eyes widened, his mouth dropping to the marble floor as he saw the scene before him.
Lady Penelope Monroe, the Duchess of York, smiled deviously at her husband. Her strawberry blonde curls cascaded down her back, her yellow green eyes sparkling like those of a cat. "Hello your grace."
Julian was furious. Not only because Penelope was being unfaithful to him with another gentleman, but because that gentleman was an acquaintance of his. His dark green eyes traveled to the gentleman beside his wife, and he growled viciously. "What the bloody fuck are you doing here Dawson?"
Lord Albert Dawson, Viscount Dawson, smiled wickedly. "What does it look like I am doing Monroe? I am giving your wife what you could never give her."
Julian growled again, his canines exposing. "And what is it exactly that I didn't give her?"
Penelope rolled her eyes. "A good fuck your grace. I was wanting fast and dominant. You, on the other hand, wanted slow and passionate. How undesirable."
Julian. "And do you truly believe Viscount Dawson can give this to you?"
Albert smiled deviously. "Oh, I already have. Not only is Penelope my lover, but she is also going to be my wife."
Julian felt his stomach twist with rage as he saw the elegant, and quite large, diamond and ruby engagement ring on Penelope's left ring finger. At that moment, he was wanting nothing more than to throw a fireball at them both. "How long have the two of you been engaged?"
Penelope. "For the last week. We decided to do so while you were in London."
Julian. "Penelope, why didn't you just come and tell me that you wanted to end our marriage?"
Penelope smiled wickedly. "Because that would have been much too easy. This way, you would be humiliated by the one person you thought loved you."
Those words felt like a knife stabbing into Julian's heart. He took a step back, staring at her. "I did care for you Penelope! If I didn't care for you, do you really believe we would have been married for the last six months?"
Penelope brushed her lips against Albert's neck. "No, I don't believe so. However, you didn't need to care for me as you did. Because I never cared for you. I was only after your title and your wealth. Now that I have my darling Albert, I don't need you. The title of Duchess of York was lovely for a while, but you proved to be quite the unsatisfying lover."
Albert. "And, aside from the jewelry clothing and everything else Penelope is going to receive, I can also give her the one thing that you simply don't have."
Julian was on the verge of losing his control. He could feel his power sizzling through his fingertips. "And what the hell is that?"
Penelope. "A nice big cock. Yours is quite small compared to Albert. He is 12 inches. You, on the other hand, are a measly 8 inches."
Julian. "Get out. Get out of my house this instant! Both of you!"
Without another word, Albert and Penelope quickly dressed grab their belongings and made their way out of York Park. Climbing into the carriage that Albert owned, they tapped on the carriage roof and drove toward Dawson Hall.
Storming into his office, Julian slammed the door shut and slumped onto the floor. He buried his face into his hands, his body shaking. Six months, six bloody months that he had been married to Penelope. He had cared for her, a great deal. He was beginning to love her, but Sue noticed her true colors beginning to show.
Penelope had been the only daughter to Baron and Baroness Wesley. She was spoiled all of her life, and expected her husband to treat her the same way. She had wanted everything that Julie and gave her, including wild intimacy.
But Julian didn't have that same desire. He was wanting a marriage based on love, not selfish behavior. At the age of 26, he was running out of time. He was wanting a wife and children. He was wanting a family. And he knew Penelope wouldn't provide that for him.
Running his hand through his golden blonde curls, Julian stood up from his position on the floor and walked over to his desk. Sitting down on the wooden chair, he plunged himself into paperwork. Penelope would be out of his life soon enough, and he would be able to begin a new chapter.
Little did the duke of York realize that his future Duchess was going to be in the most unlikely place. He wasn't going to find her in any of the London ballroom's or bath assembly rooms. However, when he did find her, his life would be forever changed.

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