Chapter 2. 1813 

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Charles took a step forward, grabbing her left hand and yanking the ring off her left ring finger. "Go to hell for all I care!"
Briella watched him disappear into his carriage, tapping on the roof and having the driver leave. Neither of them would be finishing the opera that night, but she could care less about that. She glanced down at the blood continuing to flow from within her body, her tears cascading down her cheeks. She was free. She was no longer married to Viscount Valmont. She was certainly no longer carrying his child.
However, Briella was also without a dowery. Francis had given everything to Charles upon the engagement agreement. She was left penniless. Pain still radiating through her body, and knowing she needed help, she rose slowly to her feet and began making her way toward her brothers coach.
Finding the Westin carriage a few minutes later, Briella carefully climbed inside and settled back against the tufted seat. She closed her eyes, massaging her belly. She knew Francis wouldn't be pleased, not one bit. But she would rather go to a brothel, or find someone much more tolerable for marriage, than be stuck with a gentleman who she didn't care about and who didn't care about her.
Briella stared down at her stained skirts. She felt both relief and heartbreak. She was relieved because she wasn't carrying Viscount Cheshire's child. That child wouldn't be brought up by a heartless and cruel father. She was heartbroken, because she longed to be a mother. She yearned to have children and a husband to love and adore.
Francis. "Briella? Good God, what happened?"
Briella glanced up to find her brother climbing into the carriage, his dark brown  eyes staring at her incredulously. She swallowed hard. "I lost the baby brother."
Francis held her close, careful not to step in the blood that was cascading onto the carriage floor. "I am so sorry. We will get you a doctor once we return to Weston Park." Then he noticed that she wasn't wearing her engagement ring. He stared at her. "What happened between you and Valmont?"
Briella swallowed hard. "Charles and I had an argument."
Francis. "And that prompted you to remove your ring?"
Briella. "We don't love one another Francis. You know that. I want nothing more than to be loved, like how you adore Adeleine. Like how our father adored our mother before he died. I don't want to be in a loveless marriage."
Francis moved away from his sister, sitting back against the tufted seat of the carriage. "Briella, you no longer have a dowry to your name. You need to find some sort of income."
Briella. "I know that. And I believe I know of a good employment."
Francis raised one eyebrow. "And what employment is that?"
Briella stared right into her brothers eyes. Her decision was final. "I am going to seek employment with Esmeralda  Malcolm."
Francis stared at her, his mouth falling open. "Esmeralda Malcolm ? Do you mean to tell me that you are going to speak to the most well-known courtesan in London?"
Briella nodded. "I am. I have no other choice, because of you. You gave Viscount Cheshire every last cent of my dowry. I have to make my own living."
Francis shook his head. "By giving yourself to men?"
Briella. I am no virgin brother. And you, might I add, have the entire estate of Weston Park to look after. You don't have to worry about money. You have a lovely fiancé who is going to make you very happy. I, on the other hand, must make my own living so I don't have to rely on you."
Francis sighed. "I only desire what is best for you Briella. And throwing yourself into the lifestyle of a courtesan is not ideal. You are the daughter of a gentleman of the gentry. You must marry well."
Briella. "Yes yes I know, so that I can be financially stable and produce sons for my husband. I am 21 years old brother, I don't want to be married simply for obligation sake. I want to be married for love, and to the right person. However, for now, I want to be independent and make my own way in this world."
Francis bit the inside of his cheek. "And do you really believe Esmeralda Malcolm is going to help you with that? Do you really believe that giving yourself up to who knows what kind of gentleman day after day is going to make you the wages you desire?"
Briella. "I am not sure what lies in my future Francis. What I do know is that I want to have my own life without depending on any gentlemen, at least for the time being."
Frances took a breath. He knew his little sister could be very ambitious when she was after something. He wasn't happy with her choice of profession, not in the least. However, he was going to support her with whatever she decided to do. He took her hands. "Very well, you may go and speak with Miss Malcolm whenever you would like. I suppose the engagement between you and the viscount is over?"
Briella smiled at her brother. "Thank you Francis. Your support means everything to me. And yes, the engagement between myself and Viscount Cheshire is over. All I must do now is recover from this miscarriage and then begin my new life."
Francis. "As I said, I will help you with whatever you need."
The two of them held hands for a few more moments as the carriage jostled down the cobblestone road toward Weston Park. They both knew that a new chapter for Briella was about to begin. A chapter of uncertainty and fear, but one of promise as well.

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