Chapter 24. 1813 

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Sliding the elegant ring onto her left ring finger, Julian stood up and brought Briella tightly against him. His lips came down on hers, kissing her with a fierceness that he never believed he would have. He came away after a few moments, his eyes glowing. "I love you."
Briella smiled, her lips still tingling from their passionate kiss. "I love you too."
They kissed again, their tongues swirling together in a delicious waltz of desire. At last, they were together. No one would tear them apart.
Shortly after Christmas, on 27 December, Briella and Adeleine took a carriage to Mayfair. They would be going to one of the top wedding dress shops on Bond Street. The wedding was to be held the following month, so preparation's needed to be finished before then.
Adaline. "I still cannot believe you are going to be the Duchess of York! My dearest Briella, I am so happy for you!"
Briella smiled at her sister-in-law. "Thank you Adaline. It still doesn't seem real to me."
Adaline giggled, moving a few strands of dark red hair out of her blue eyes. "That's how it felt for me before I married your brother. But now, I can't be any happier."
Briella smiled. "The two of you are perfect for one another."
Adaline smiled. "Thank you. And I must say that you and the Duke are very well suited."
Briella. "Thank you my dear."
Minutes later, the carriage came to a stop on Bond Street. The driver, Tilson, opened the door for the two ladies and help them out. "Would you like me to take the carriage around to the back Miss Weston?"
Briella nodded at her driver. "Yes please Tilson, thank you. We will send for you when we are finished."
Tilson nodded, bowing his head. "Very good."
Once they were alone, Briella and Adeleine stepped into the bridal shop that was in the middle of Bon Street. The dress shop, Delilah's, was one of the most famous wedding dress shops in all of mayfair. New brides came to select the finest material for their gown.
The shopkeeper, Mrs. Delilah Fairfax, smiled at the two ladies. "Good afternoon. Which one of you is the lucky bride for today?"
adaline smiled, sliding one arm around Briella. "This lovely lady. She is going to be the future Duchess of York."
Mrs. Fairfax smiled brightly. "Oh my, congratulations. Are you looking for anything in particular?"
Briella giggled. "I can tell you for certain that I am not looking for white."
Mrs. Fairfax chuckled. "That's perfectly all right my dear, we have the finest selection of non-white material that you can choose from. Come with me."
Briella and Adaline followed Mrs. Fairfax to the back of the shop. Walking into a large room, they noticed that there were several boxes filled with material. Several threads of material were on display as well. The colors ranged from white to dusty pink and soft blues and lavenders in between.
Mrs. Fairfax gestured to one of the displays. "These are our finest when it comes to non-white wedding gowns."
Briella walked over to the display, her eyes scanning the black velvet pillows that the threads of material had been placed on. There was cream silk, ivory lace, silver thread, gold lace, and several others. She turned to Delilah. "Is there any possible way to combine more than one material?"
Delilah nodded. "Oh yes, absolutely. I've had several brides design their own gowns. Which materials captured your interest?"
Briella. "The cream silk, the ivory lace, and the silver thread."
Delilah smiled, picking up the three items of material. "These would be a beautiful gown. Any gemstones?"
Briella glanced at the small box of gemstones. After examining them closely, she picked up a few clear diamonds and gave them to Delilah. "I believe these would work perfectly."
Delilah took the diamonds. "These would be a beautiful accent."
Once her measurements had been finished, Briella and Adeleine thanked Delilah for her help and stepped out of the dress shop. They didn't have to wait long for Tilson to bring the carriage around. Climbing inside, they settled back against the tufted seat, both of them smiling.
Adaline. "I cannot wait to see what your wedding gown is going to look like. Delilah is a brilliant designer."
Briella giggled. "She certainly is. I remember she did your gown, and it was absolutely spectacular."
Adaline. "And I know yours is going to be just as fabulous!"
Briella smiled at her sister-in-law. She couldn't believe that, within a few short weeks, she was going to be married to Julian. She was going to be his wife, his Duchess. Her life was forever changed. She was no longer going to be a courtesan. She was going to be a Lady of society.

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