Chapter 19. 1813 

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On a warm but pleasant evening toward the second week of July, Victoria held a lovely masquerade at Dona Bella. The gathering was going to be about 100 guests, gentlemen and ladies that she knew in her circle. She was famous, incredibly so, for her lavish events.
Nestled inside the carriage, Briella felt completely at ease. During the last month, she had been treated so well by Julian, more than she had ever expected. She felt safe and loved by him, even if they hadn't made love yet. She felt protected.
Sitting next to her, her hand intertwined with his, Julian felt just as complete. During the last several weeks, Briella had brought light and happiness into his life. Those were two very important things that he never believed he would have again. But he did.
Once the carriage drove up to Dona Bella and parked, their driver, Nixon, opened the door for the two of them. "Your grace, Miss Weston."
Julian and Briella both smiled at him as they carefully climbed out of the vehicle. Fingers intertwined, they moved through the throng of guests that had arrived and stepped into the majestic estate. They said hello to Carter who gave them a nod and a small smile.
For that evening, Briella was wearing an elegant gown of champagne silk with off the shoulder sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. Pink diamonds adorned the bodice and edges of her matching mask. Her hair was fixed into a braided chignon, and her ensemble was complete with cream silk gloves and matching slippers.
For his outfit of choice, Julian was wearing a dark gold silk jacket over a cream button up shirt matching cravat black trousers and black boots. The jacket and shirt possessed turquoise buttons that matched the turquoise diamonds on his mask. His hair was combed to perfection.
Victoria smiled as she approached. "I was wondering if I would have to send out a search party for the two of you."
Briella giggled, stepping forward and hugging her friend. "We apologize for being late. There were a few too many carriages out this evening."
Victoria smiled. "At least you are here now. Both of you look fabulous."
Julian. "As do you Miss Rosewood."
Victoria smiled. She was wearing an elegant lavender gown with off the shoulder sleeves and a square neckline. Clear diamonds swept across the bodice and along her mask. "Thank you your grace."
Julian and Briella smiled as they watched their hostess move away from them to welcome her other guests. Moving further into the parlor, they were each handed a glass of blood wine.
Julian took a sip from his glass, smiling at Briella. "You look beautiful this evening."
Briella smiled at him. "Thank you your grace, and I must say that you look very dashing."
Julian. "Thank you."
When the final guest of the evening arrived, Victoria announced that it was time for dinner. Taking the arm of her protector, Lord Gregory Calais, she escorted the group into the lavish dining room. The room consisted of a glittering chandelier and a long table with enough chairs for everyone.
Julian and Briella took their seats, which were next to one another. They smiled and talked with those around them as they enjoyed their dinner. They didn't know very many of the gentlemen or ladies of Victoria's intimate circle, but they became friendly with quite a few of them.
Once dinner was complete nearly 2 hours later, everyone moved into the ballroom for a little dancing. A trio of musicians stood in the corner of the room, smiling as they played their instruments.
Victoria clapped her hands, her eyes bright. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for a mystery waltz."
Everyone turned to look at her, their eyes filled with intrigue. They had no idea what a mystery waltz was.
Victoria. "With this particular waltz, the gentlemen will have to dance their way to their respective partner. Which means that you will be dancing with someone who you did not arrive with this evening. The same rules apply for the ladies."
Julian and Briella exchanged a smile and giggle. They had a feeling they would be able to find one another rather quickly. However, they would enjoy the waltz.
Victoria instructed the gentleman and ladies to stand in separate corners of the room. She declared that they could not make any sort of contact with the partners that they had come with. She stated that would ruin the intimacy, and the mystery, of the waltz.
Briella glanced around the room, taking in her options of gentleman. Nearly all of them were quite handsome, but she had no idea who was beneath the mask. She smiled. This was going to be a mystery waltz in deed.
Victoria moved to her position at one corner of the ballroom. Raising her gloved hand, she motion for the trio of musicians to begin to play. And then, the waltz began.
He stepped quietly into the ballroom, watching as the throng of guests danced with one another. His dark gray eyes swept across the couples, searching for her. It was a bit difficult to see with his black and silver mask, but he was managing.
Charles growled with frustration, his fingers beginning to swirl with his warlock abilities. He was wanting to find Briella and make her his once again. But this time, he wasn't going to let her go. He was going to make sure that she paid dearly for losing his son.
Noticing one of the servants watching him warily, Charles moved toward him. He dropped his voice to a whisper so that only the young man could hear him. "Please tell Miss Weston that a gentleman wishes to see her."
Carter turned around to look at the uninvited guest. He nodded slowly. "Yes sir. May I ask who this gentleman is?"
Charles shook his head, smiling deviously. "No, she does not need to know. Simply tell her that a gentleman wishes to speak with her in the parlor."
Still a bit perplexed, and more than a little uneasy, Carter slowly nodded. "Yes sir."
Smiling deviously, Charles turned and made his way into the small parlor off the ballroom. Thankfully, no one had noticed his arrival. Stepping into the candlelit room, he moved toward the shadows to wait for Briella to join him.

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