Chapter 12. 1813

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Over the next several days, Briella was treated so wonderfully by Julian. The two of them enjoyed breakfast tea and dinner together. They enjoyed long walks through the gardens, horseback rides, and several hours in the library. They could feel a sizzling connection between them, but neither one was ready to act on that connection just yet.
On the final evening of her stay at Monroe Park, Briella was just stepping out of a warm bath provided for her by Nicolette, when she noticed Julian standing in her chamber. Tightening a white towel around her body, she swallowed hard and slowly moved into her chamber. "Your grace, did you need something?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.
Julian was gazing at her, his dark emerald eyes staring at her body. Good Lord, what he wouldn't give to have her. He swallowed hard, clearing his throat. "Yes, I did come to see you tonight."
Briella moved toward the bed, sitting down onto the mattress. "For what reason?"
Julian took a seat next to her. "I want to heal you. I don't want you to have to see those marks on your body any longer. I don't want your permanent protector to have to see those marks."
Briella stared at him, her mouth open with surprise. Julian was wanting to heal her, to make her whole. Or, at least, as whole as possible.
Julian placed one hand on her shoulder. "Will you allow me to do that for you?" His voice was soft and gentle.
Briella swallowed hard. This was going to be the first time Julian saw her completely naked. He was wanting to take her pain away, the physical part at least. She took a breath. "Yes, I will allow you to do that."
Smiling softly, Julian carefully positioned her on the bed. His eyes never leaving her face, he slowly removed the towel from around her body. The moment his eyes landed on her breasts, the bite marks along her skin, he growled.
Briella felt tears well up in her eyes, and she quickly averted her gaze. "I know, they must look terrible."
Julian took a breath, his hands moving to gently cradle her breasts. His eyes stayed fixed with hers, his fingers beginning to shimmer with his warlock powers. "They are beautiful."
Briella instantly felt a warm heat flow through her skin, and as she watched, the marks vanished. Her eyes widened. "Thank you."
Julian smiled before placing a soft kiss on each of her breasts. And then he pulled back, his eyes staring down at her core. He swallowed hard, licking his lips as his eyes met hers. "Dr. Wilson said that you were swollen here."
Briella's eyes widened. The Duke of York wasn't going to touch her there, was he? But then she realized that he had to in order to heal her. She took a breath and nodded slowly.
Julian placed his hand at her center, his eyes never leaving hers. "I promise I will be gentle."
Briella took a breath, her eyes remaining locked with his. She slowly allowed her legs to fall open as she felt two fingers slide inside her. Moments later, she felt that same warm heat flow through her.
Julian caressed deep inside her with his fingers, feeling her core beginning to become less swollen. After several moments, he allowed his fingers to become free, and he licked them clean. "Lie on your side for me."
Briella was frozen for several moments, her mind spinning with images of what she had just witnessed. She slowly moved so that she was lying on her side, feeling the bed shift as Julian moved around behind her. The duke of York had just touched her most intimate place, had healed her. And then he had licked his fingers, those same fingers that had been deep within her.
Julian placed his hands on her back. "Stay relaxed."
Briella took a breath, allowing her body to relax. She heard Juliens sudden intake of breath, and she knew that he was noticing the scars running down her spine. Those scars had been from George and his silver rod.
Julian allowed his hands to move down her spine, each brush of his fingertips sending warmth and magic through her. Within moments, the scars had disappeared. He brushed his lips against her skin, making sure that not a single trace of pain was visible.
Briella opened her eyes and watched him climb off the bed. She moved into a sitting position, snapping her fingers and forming a shift around her naked body. She stared at him. "Thank you your grace."
Julian took her hands, kneeling down in front of her. "You are very welcome Briella. I want you to know that, whoever your protector is going to be, that you are beautiful. You are going to be loved and adored by whoever is the lucky gentleman to have you as their mistress."
Briella felt her eyes glisten with tears. No one had ever told her she was beautiful. None of those bastards at Ruby Hall had been gentle with her, tender with their kisses and caresses. She swallowed. "Thank you."
Julian reached up to caress her cheek. "You are very welcome. I'll let you get some rest. I'll be taking you to Dona Bella tomorrow."
Briella nodded. "Thank you. I am sad to be leaving you and your company. I do hope we can meet again."
Julian. "I do too. I have very much enjoyed having you here as my guest these last several days."
Their eyes remained fixed in a magnetic gaze, heat and fire pulsing between them. Reluctantly, they separated for the night.
Donna Bella was a six minute carriage drive from Mayfair to Chelsea. Nestled among the private gardens of Crescent Street, it was a lovely three-story house comprised of white stone with dusty blue trim along the windows and roof. The front garden was composed of lilies and daisies while the back garden had a multitude of roses.
Nestled inside the carriage with Julian, Briella felt both excitement and sadness. Excitement, because she was about to begin a new life of peace. Sadness, because she would be leaving a gentleman who had stolen her heart.

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