Chapter 22. 1813 

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Julian moved swiftly, snapping his fingers and releasing her from her bindings. Then his eyes traveled across her body, noticing the dark red marks on her neck. The cut along her right hand. The yellow stains on her gown. Closing his eyes briefly, he dropped to his knees and took her into his arms.
Briella crumpled into his arms, tears flowing down her cheeks. She was safe, she was home. She was with the gentleman that she loved.
Julian brushed his lips against hers for a soft kiss, instantly healing the bite mark that Charles left. Holding her tightly, he snapped his fingers and teleported them home in a cloud of gold smoke. Reappearing in the Monroe Park parlor, he instructed the butler, Thompson, to tell the household not to disturb them for the remainder of the night.
Moments later, Briella felt herself being carefully put onto a warm and luxurious mattress. Moving into a sitting position, her eyes traveled around the room that Julian had carried her into. Her heart sputtered as she realized the room wasn't the guest bedroom, but Julian's.
Julian sat down on the bed, taking her face between his hands. He brushed his lips against hers for a soft kiss. "Are you all right?"
Briella swallowed hard. Was she all right? She wasn't sure. "I will be."
Julian nodded, gently caressing her cheek. She was going to need time to heal, emotionally. He knew that for certain. "Let me take your pain away, at least the physical one."
Briella stared at him, shaking her head. "Your grace, please don't..."
Julian squeezed her hand. "I am not going to make love to you, not until you are healed and ready. However, I want to heal the marks that bastard left. Also, I will commission several new gowns for you. This one needs to be destroyed."
Briella took a breath, relaxing at his words. Julian wasn't going to make love to her, not until she was ready. He was respecting her boundaries, and she was grateful to him for that. "Very well, do as you wish."
Julian went straight to work, removing the ruined gown. Tossing it to the floor, he gently pushed her onto the bed and lifted her chin to expose her neck. He brought his lips down to her neck, beginning to kiss her skin and send warm pulses of healing blue magic through her.
Briella closed her eyes with pleasure, feeling the warmth of his magic flowing through her body. Once she felt his lips move away from her neck, she knew where he was going next. She didn't push him away, simply allowed him to heal her as he had done before.
Once every last horrible mark, both visible and not visible, was gone, Julian rose to his feet. Snapping his fingers, he sent a pulse of gold magic toward the gown, watching as it burst into flames. After tossing the bloody mask into the fire as well, he turned back to Briella. "Do you need anything?"
Briella stared at him. "I don't want to be alone, that I can clearly tell you."
Julian nodded, snapping his fingers again and causing the gown to disappear. "Of course, I won't leave you for a moment."
Briella watched him step into his closet and close the door. She knew he was changing into night clothing, and she needed to do the same. Snapping her fingers, she transformed her shift into a dusty blue silk nightgown with a sweetheart neckline and a ribbon of lace.
Julian stepped out of his closet, wearing a white cotton night shirt and matching trousers. He felt his body burn as he saw Briella wearing her nightgown. Bloody hell, she was beautiful. He realized it was going to be much more difficult to sleep in the room with her beside him. His eyes traveled toward the chaise, and he knew what he needed to do.
Briella expected him to climb in the bed, simply because it was his bed and not the guest room. But she was pleasantly surprised when he picked up a pillow and a blanket and moved to the chaise by the window. "That doesn't appear comfortable."
Julian settled onto the chaise, looking at her. "This evening is not about my comfort. It's about yours and your healing. Besides, this way, neither one of us will be tempted."
Briella became bright pink, smiling softly. She knew what he was speaking of, and she wasn't ready for that yet. "I believe you're right your grace. Thank you for everything."
Julian smiled, snuggling beneath his blanket. "You are very welcome. Good night my dear."
Briella smiled, snuggling beneath her own blanket. "Good night."
The candle was blown out, and the two of them closed their eyes. Sleep came almost immediately to both of them, and their dreams were immediately inhabited by one another. The danger was over, and they could finally begin their relationship with peace.

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