Ending 1: The Fox

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I wake up in the morning, with a freshly silenced Bel in my ear. 

She won't be talking anytime soon, she knows I'm well and she knows what I need to do. 

I think I decided...

I love Eve, she was and irresistible demon, someone I could explore my wildest fantasies with. Everything we've done together has been very romantic, and she loves me back for letting her be herself. She was always flexible with just about anything, as long as she spent time with me. She had that raw love, love that the others didn't, she would do anything for me, and I would repay the favor.

I love Akali, she's been my joyous little assassin, way too athletic and capable for her own good. She was funny, quirky, and always made me smile. She made life threatening situations a breeze, and always knew what to say, even if what she said wasn't... the nicest thing. She allowed me to break out of my shell, her and Kai both. 

I love Kai'Sa, my lavender scented void goddess. Bel would give me a stamp of approval if I chose her, but... that's not the case. She's technically not my day one, but was the first woman I may have truly gotten the chance to love. She was initially closed when it came to sharing me, but she opened up over time. I feel like we both rely on each other to get by in this cruel world...

I love Seraphine, oh my Seraphine. I love her too... as much as the others... but not as special as the one who deserves my commitment in the eyes of the public. Seraphine was a blast, similar to Akali but much more silly. She was funny, super talented with a guitar. The strawberry scent that she will fill my nostrils with was just icing on the cake. She was way too cute...

Ahri... it's... it's always been you... since that first moment we kissed, you were my motivation to get here...


Ahri: Come catch me! Bet you can't! Haha! 

Irie: SLOW DOWN!!! Don't get Master Karma on us!

She doesn't know, I'm hanging from the ceiling, a trick me and Akali are both doing to get the drop on them. 

I see Ahri start running on all fours, now's my cue. 

I drop from the ceiling, so does Akali.

I land on Ahri, tackling her to the floor. 

Ahri: AAAH!!! OW... oh... ow-ow-ow! 

Yeah... back then, we weren't indestructible. 

Hell, we still aren't, just ask the Tobias Felix that I turned into SpongeBob SquarePants. 

I roll off of her, in a panic. 

Y/N: Oh no! Oh this was too far! No-no-no... don't cry... it's alright...

Ahri: Y/N... *grunt* I'm a big girl...

Y/N: You're only 15, not 16 like ME!!!

A month apart, but still.

I give her a smug look, then I go back to concern.

Akali: Not 13, LIKE ME!!! 

Irie: Oof, that's gotta hurt, Akali...

I use the healing power I just learned yesterday to fix her two hurt tails. 

Y/N: You okay? 

Ahri: Yeah... just... don't drop on me.

Y/N: I wanted to... d-drop in front of you...

Ahri: For what? A kiss? 

I blush hard, young Y/N COULD NOT keep it together. 

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