Chapter 24: Episodes

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I wake up to the sound of Kai'Sa screaming.

It's very early, still dark out.

I'm not walking away this time...

I give Sera a quick kiss and rush out of her room, heading to Kai's.

I get to Kai's door but it's locked.

Y/N: Kai! Open the door!

I knock on it a bit.

Kai: N-no! Stay away from me!

Y/N: It's Y/N! I'm here!

No response, I'm not waiting for one.

My hands glow orange as I think of what I want to do.

I'm going to heat her lock and just force the door to open.

I open the door, buckling the knob a little.

Kai is crying, frozen and balled up in the same corner I found her all that... time ago...

I crouch down in front of her, revealing myself to her.

Y/N: It's Y/N... I'm here for you... Kai... my little ender...

Kai's shoulders start to relax, that's my cue.

Y/N: Nightmare?

Kai nods her head, then I lean in and hug her.

Y/N: Well, I'm not leaving you alone, let's get some sleep.

Kai: I-I saw him... I saw you...

Y/N: It's not real, it never will be.

Kai: He killed you... he was like... a zombie...

Y/N: Not real... Kayn is long gone, Braum made sure of that.

Kai: I know I know I know... I just need you right now Y/N...

Her lip quivers, her whole body shivers with it.

I barely am able to pick her up but I do it, using the assistance of my powers to set her in bed.

I get in the bed and hug her, refusing to let her go like a leech.

Bold of me to assume all her trauma would be gone in the snap of a fucking finger.

Just because she saw her love interest again doesn't mean she's going to forget.

And if these nightmares are going to get more frequent, then she definitely won't.

Kai: Every now and again... I remember how he touched me... what h-he did.

I gently rub Kai as the tears flow.

Y/N: W-where did he touch you? What did he do?

Kai: H-he didn't put it in... b-but he tried...

Kai inhales sharply, I kiss her cheek.

Kai: The... teasing and the... he groped...

The pain in her voice says she's not ready to talk about this.

Y/N: Okay stop now, stop... I think I got it... he assaulted you and almost made it rape, but it's rape enough...

Kai inhales sharply again, exhaling a tiny bit of a giggle.

Kai: Y-yeah...

Y/N: I'm such a fucking idiot...

Kai: N-no...

Gifted? Magical? Please (KDA X Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora