Chapter 11: Testing the waters

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We drift into the parking lot. 

No literally, Kali offered to drive along the way, and she drove like a maniac. 

I thought we were going to die but seeing as how she always lived for the fast life, I guess not. 

Kali: We're here! 

Y/N: *Pant pant* Holy shit...

Kali: Doubting me?! Y/N, come on man...

Kai: I-I mean... I can see why... 

Kali: Let's just get that peach cobbler you so desperately craved. Keys! 

She tosses the keys back to Kai; she just barely catches them. 

Kali kicks the door open to the diner, I head inside whilst holding hands with my lavvy. 

Kali: PANPAN!!! Where are youuuuu...?!

Pantheon: God dammit Akali... *sigh* I swear if you dented my door again. Oh, my word...

Panpan, Pantheon, whatever his name wants to be, sees Kai holding my hand, dumbfounded that she finally has come out of her room the see the light. 

Kai: Hi Panpan! 

Panpan: Kai'Sa, my favorite customer! She's alive! 

Kai: Y-yeah... 

We walk up to the counter together; I'm probably not going to get anything. 

Panpan already fetches the peach cobbler for Kai, I swear her eyes sparkle when the bowl hits the counter. 

Panpan: As for you two? What will it be? 

He stands there like a statue, emotionless, Kalifa was right. 

Kali and I group up for a moment, unable to figure out what might be good. 

Kali whispers: I'm not good with pastries...

Y/N whispers: Me neither... Kai mentioned pie... 

Kali whispers: Yeah... might just go simple for a change...

Y/N whispers: Apple? 

Kali turns around holding up two fingers. 

Kali: Two slices of apple pie my statue-like friend!

In a second, two slices of apple pie appear on the counter. 

Kai pays for her cobbler, Kali pays for both slices of pie, creating a little beef between them. 

Kai: I-I was gonna pay for him! He's my man...

Kali: Relax... call it a friendly gesture! 

Kai: N-no come on... you... I...

Kali: I love you too, Sasa. 

Kai: I-I hate you...

Kali, Kai, and I all grab our desserts and sit down. 


Apple pie is always a hit, I never lost appreciation for it, even when I was a kid, I loved it. 

Seems like Kali loved her slice too, considering how she scarfed it down without a taste, just like I did my burrito earlier. 

Kai, however? She had a few more bowls of peach cobbler. 

By the time she was done, she was smiling at me with three empty bowls in front of her. 

Kali: Ionia's might...  Kai, you ate so much! You're gonna get fat! 

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