Chapter 10: Ninja's back

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I pretty much melt into Kai after giving Ahri and Kali the what-for. 

I... I can't believe myself. 

What I did was unacceptable, I'm not one to lash out... 

That was the first time I ever did it, and it felt awful. 

Even worse... what I just figured out...

They've been through a lot, losing their friends, Kali losing her boyfriend. 

Their old friend that they haven't seen in 10+ years just dumped a bunch of stress on them. 

I'm so damn sorry guys...

Kai: It's okay... Shhh...

Kai's soft voice... it's... the most beautiful thing I ever heard, maybe even rivaling the sounds of chirping birds in the morning.

I pick my head up from Kai's shoulder, calmer and more collected. 

Y/N: S-sorry guys it's just that... I grew up knowing that was bad... b-but she's not around to teach us this anymore. I knew that you guys have been through a lot recently and... I didn't want to add any pressure. 

I hear Kali inhale, then picking her head up only slightly. 

Kali mutters: *Sniff, sniff* I-it's a-alright...

Ahri: K-Kai'Sa... I'm so, so, so, so fucking sorry! I should have never taught him that, I didn't know... I was... I was just fucking stupid...

Kai: Ahri... it's not you... it's okay. You couldn't know he was... h-he was going to use it like that. 

Y/N whispers: You got this? 

Kai whispers: I got it, I got it... 

Kai clears her throat, we detach for a little. 

Kai: I love both of you guys like sisters. Ahri and Akali... you guys didn't know... it's not your fault. 

Ahri starts to crack, tears flowing like water. 

Ahri: I-I-I... I... I fucking love you guys! 

Kai gets up and runs over, both of them practically tackling each other. 

They both whimper and cry into each other.

Kali is next, crawling up to them on her knees. 

She wraps around their waists, the girls each put a hand on her. 

Kali: W-we need the band back! We need the rest of them...

Ahri: *Sniff* We do...

Yasuo sits next to me, sighing in relief. 

Yasuo: Fuck... real smooth bud, real smooth. 

He pats my shoulder and wraps his arm around me. 

Y/N: Y-yeah...

Smooth as sandpaper. 

Yasuo: Between you and me, while the floodgates are open... that's been eating her alive, you saved her the awful confession. 

Y/N: I bet it would end up kind of like this.

Yasuo: You think? 

I nod my head, watching Kai look back at me, smiling. 

We lower our voices for them. 

Yasuo quietly: She really loves you man...

Y/N quietly: You think? 

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