Chapter 28: More car stuff

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We get the mounts apart and the engine is ready to be pulled.

I hold the hood open with my magic, causing the hood to glow along with my hands. 

Crank: God, I wish you weren't busy with four women, I could use the help. 

Y/N: Sorry... *grunt* I'm not a machine...

Crank: Yeah, but every machine needs a Vastayan's touch.

Y/N: Welp-

Crank pulls one more time. 


The engine and transmission, and he's holding the big hunk of metal like a loaf of bread. 

Crank: Right, shame... well, let me deal with this thing, I'll call you when it's all built. In the mean time... work on getting that thing worthy to represent machines... make it sparkle. 

Y/N: Will do, thanks Crank. 

I go to shake his hands, but the grease covering his hands says otherwise. 

He throws the engine attached to the transmission over his shoulder, carrying it to his truck and heading out. 

We worked all day, making it all the way to nighttime.

Sera and I are exhausted, sitting on the backseat of the car together, on the floor in the garage.

We gutted the interior too, forgot to mention that. 

We're just sitting in the garage, admiring whatever is going on outside.

Birds chirping, crickets chirping, Sera softly groaning while leaning on my shoulder.

She worked herself to the bone, I was under the car disconnecting brackets, but she took care of everything else up top that we had to take out or off. 

Y/N: You know, I have powers, I could've helped take the carburetor off or something for you. 

Sera: N-no that's fine...

Y/N: So, we got the big part done, what's the plan? 

Sera: Take apart the rest of it, have Vik come take it. 

Y/N: Heimerdinger's flair... any ideas for that? 

Sera: When everything is back together, hand it him for... whatever that flair is...

Y/N: Hope it's like... something cool.

Sera: Fast and Furious type shit.

Y/N: What's that, more movies? 

Sera: You never saw any of the Fast and Furious movies?! W-well actually... you're not missing out on too much. 

Y/N: Wanna watch them after a shower?

Sera: No! More car videos! 

Y/N: Ugh... you're right. 


More videos in Sera's room as we eat dinner.

Suspension and control arms and stuff is going to be easy; rest of the drivetrain won't be. 

Although, according to this video, we got pretty lucky with the drivetrain, especially since it was in such good shape. 

Only thing we'd need to make sure we change is the gear oil.

Sera: Seems easy enough...

Y/N: I love the optimism...

I take our plates down, forgetting that I'm not wearing a shirt. 

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