Chapter 7: Welcome back

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We roll up to the kitchen, the house is baron...

There is less furniture, my guess is from some of them moving out. 

Y/N: How did the group break up? 

Yasuo: Poor little boo tried to keep it together... bless her heart... 

For real, bless her heart. 

He takes a sigh and sits on the couch.

I join him. 

Yasuo: After the Kai'Sa incident, Kai no longer felt safe, and demanded Kali to stay away from her as long as she's with Kayn. Kali of course, found out from the scream, grabs Kayn and throws him off the balcony, he's booted by the rest of them. 

Yasuo takes a sigh. 

Yasuo: Kali left shortly after Kayn was forced out, that caused a chain reaction. Eve and Felix next, then Sera and Ezzy. Shit sucked man. 

Y/N: God... and you're there just having to live through that, I can't imagine what Ahri is going through, let alone Akali, Kai'Sa, all of them actually. 

Yasuo: My Mother's Day was really fucking depressing until you showed up! 

We both laugh. 

Yasuo: Yeah... Kali is somewhere in Zaun I think, next town over. Something tells me she'll be happy that Kayn is gonna be out of the picture indefinitely.  

Get a couple of strays in the bar, they come from Zaun usually. 

Yasuo: So where are you now? Still at the bar in South side? 

Y/N: Yeah, I'm the best bartender in town now, I had to be. Business was booming once people have heard of a bartender who did magic. 

Yasuo: So, what do you call yourself, gifted? Magical? 

Y/N: Please... *pause* I don't know actually.

We both chuckle again.

Y/N: Where are the rest? 

Yasuo: Ahri is upstairs, she won't leave her room, she stole the tub of ice cream not too long ago. 

I wince, that's bad...

Yasuo: Kai was also upstairs, she's... a wreck... that's putting it lightly. She went on meds for a week, that didn't help, it made it worse. I checked in on her yesterday and it was almost like she wasn't there. 

Y/N: Eve and Toby are living somewhere South side. 

Yasuo: Saw someone filming the chase on Instagram, yeah that looked like Eve, possessive of her "darling" now that she lost her friends. Good fucking moves, when you slid down that escalator, I thought you were James Bond or some shit. 

Y/N: Yeah, thanks... keep any tabs on the young couple? 

Yasuo: Sera and Ezzy? Nah... they might've found a place at the uni, got no fucking idea man...

Y/N: Huh, maybe I'll visit all of them at some point, just not Eve for a while. 

Yasuo: Not a bad idea. Go see Kai, I don't want to imagine what she did with your guitar pick...

Y/N: Oh no... why'd you put that idea in my head? 

Yasuo laughs as I get up and head upstairs. 

I knock on the door. 

Y/N: Kai... you in there? 

No response.

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