Chapter 26: A "real" date

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Doesn't take long for me to get my drink, and our orders in. 

But... she's just looking off, bored. 

Think... hmm...

Y/N: Hey, so... how did you start out? 

Eve: Oh? How do you mean? 

Y/N: Well, I'm a Vastayan from Ionia, raised with martial arts and magic... about nothing else other than that... which is why... I'm not too good at socializing. 

Eve: Come on, darling... 

She blushes a little, breaking out of her shell to put her hand on mine. 

Eve: I think, you're doing just fine... but, I'll bite. 

Eve inhales and takes a sip of her drink, licking the straw... weird...

Y/N: Hmmm... what's that for? 

Eve: J-just... working the muscles.

Y/N: Well, good, we don't want you... underperforming.

Me and her seductively stare at each other. 

Although inside, I'm feeling nothing but fear from her glance. 

Eve: Well, let's start story time, shall we? To start I was just a husk... like... feeding off of... everything and anything. I met... the girls when I was trying to rob somebody... heh...

Y/N: Rob? Rob who? 

Eve: Ironically... it was Tobias but... I looked very different back then... I also felt... more out of control. After every performance I would sneak off with a partner, didn't matter what gender, to either charm them or... rob them and... I feel bad about it now that I'm coming clean... I had a problem, but I think I had it under control.

I hold her hand gently as she keeps spilling. 

Y/N: It's alright... you don't have to go any further.

Eve: I... I feel like I trust you, Y/N. You should know...

She turns her hand squeezes mine, it's warm to the touch, almost like a heat pad. 

Eve: I've developed ways... ways I'm not proud of to seduce my victims... I went back to my old ways when Toby broke up with me...

Eve looks at me with genuine concern, her eyes darting across my face as she studies me. 

Y/N: Hey, hey... no need to use your magic on me... I want the real you. 

She inhales sharply, ready to finish her thought. 

Eve: When my cravings act up... I get... violent... to say the least. I just don't want to hurt you Y/N...

Y/N: You won't, I've probably felt worse. 

No, I haven't. 

Eve giggles a little, smirking at me. 

Eve: I... don't crave misery anymore I just crave... lust. 

Y/N: Like a succubus? 

Eve: I mean... kind of?

Y/N: I only say that because it sounds like that, you find a difference in taste? 

Eve: Lust... tastes... so much better... 

We both giggle a little. 

Y/N: That why you're worse than Akali? 

Eve: Darling... don't act like you won't enjoy it...

Y/N: You're talking like we're doing something later...

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