Chapter 31: Another departure

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I wake up for real this time, fuck, that, dream.

All my dreams are nightmares, but not the dead loved one kind, I relive the memories that I wish I could go back to.

I hate regret.

She wanted us to see each other again so we could start what we couldn't back then.

Now that we have, I found out she moved on.

That's okay, I kind of did but something is going to come in that pulls us back together, it's fate.

I'm surprised I didn't get a dream about Kayn or something, maybe that's because I accepted what I did?

I look up and Kai is in some pajama shorts and a t-shirt, trying on some makeup.

I try to sit up, but a demon is sleeping on the other side of me.

Eve: Mmm... darling... merrmm...

Her hand hits my chest, and her tail grabs onto my thigh.

We went... pretty wild.

Eve was actually tired, her tails weren't as active, that's how I could tell.

Kai: Morning babe, how'd you sleep?

Y/N: Had another Ionia dream.

Kai: What was it this time?

Y/N: Ahri leaving... it was... depressing.

Kai: O-oh I'm... I'm sorry.

Y/N: It's alright, hey, none of it had anything to do with you. In fact, if it went any different, I might not have met you.

Kai: I can't imagine a world without you...

Y/N: Neither can I...

Kai: What made it so bad?

Y/N: When I was younger, I... I couldn't talk very well, and I hesitated my confession. I still can't talk very well now but still, that was a horrible choke.

Kai: So... you never got the chance to express your true feelings for her... and when you found her finally... she moved on.

Y/N: Yeah, but I was very accepting of it, I had you.

I look up and realize what makeup she has on.

Goth makeup... dark lipstick and purple eye shadow.

Y/N: I-I... I had no idea you were wearing that...

Kai: You like it?

Don't drool, keep your goth Kai fantasy to yourself.

Y/N: M-mom- I mean! Ah, yeah it looks beautiful on you.

Eve wakes up, I swear it was from my rapid heartbeat.

Eve: Oooh... goth babe, looking sexy... mmm.

She bites her lip in Kai's direction, then looks at me with a smile.

Y/N: Anyway... *clears throat* you guys ready?

Eve: Yep, we gotta get you packed, darling...

Kai: We'll take care of that.

Eve and Kai both get up, helping me off the bed.

We head to my room, joining Kali and Sera that were just waiting for me.

Y/N: Who would've thought I'd have four girlfriends?

Kali: Pfft... let alone one...

Y/N: Alright, that's a low blow...

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